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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024

  • Reading A People’s History of the United States put that on my radar. I hadn’t given the idea any thought until a college course assigned this book. I was educated in a standard American public school during the Reagan and Clinton eras, complete with Pledge of Allegiance. The standard schoolbooks omit a lot of atrocities and smooth over the ugly reality.

    Whatever legitimate criticisms you lay on it, Zinn’s takedown opened my worldview and intensified my pre-existing anti-authoritarian streak.

    9/11 happened shortly after and by then I considered Bush an illegitimate president. I watched him wage an unjustified war, and with the whole of our bloody rampage across the globe that clicked neatly into place. “America #1” is a sick joke.

  • There was a particular easy listening station when I was a kid that played 60s, 70s, and 80s folk, soft rock, motown, and other singer-songwriter stuff that helped me deal with the anxiety of fighting parents and the deathly silence in between.

    These days I listen to old episodes of MST3K or Rifftrax on YT, Best of the Worst, or one of the myriad of “oldies playing quietly in the next room and it’s raining” that you can easily find.

    My mind still races at night. I eventually made a playlist to recreate that old radio station vibe. It doesn’t hit the same way it used to.