Does anyone know of a service that saves and manages bookmarks and links. Like one that would work from android/ipad/desktop.

Is this a thing?

    1 year ago
    • With Nextcloud you have the option to encrypt the data at rest Nextcloud - Encryption.
    • it’s the same as hosting your Google Drive, you juste have to create different user and it won’t be shared between user, except if you share them…
    • for backups, I would suggest you look at eather Plugins or do your own rsync. If you go serious about this, donc forget the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy
    • To have access as network drive, theirs always the possibility to install it as a Desktop app. Or you could mount a network drive with Nextcloud and use it as an ‘interface’ to see the drive.

    As for a guide… Google, YouTube is your friend… Theirs those if you want to start

    My personal advice, if you setup as a docker, use an external database and not the one provided within the docker, it might break when you’ll update Nextcloud.