Thanks for pointing that out.
Will talk excessively about metal guitar and functional programming if not stopped
Also visit me at me on Mastodon
Thanks for pointing that out.
I guess this is probably the solution to my riddle. Thanks.
Besten Dank! Aber mal im Ernst, der Artikel unterscheidet sich im Stil nur noch durch Nuancen von der BILD, oder? Ich will inhaltlich gar nicht groß widersprechen, aber von „Helden“ und derlei liest man in satisfaktionsfähigen Medien doch eher selten. Weitere Bemerkungen verkneife ich mir.
Gut, dass ich da nicht für draufklicken musste!
Not that I know of, but I can’t recall exactly anymore how I set up ZFS a year an a half back. I’ll investigate!
I use the ZFS mechanism exclusively today, so I’ll have a look at the vdev_id.conf
file as soon as I find the time, thank you!
Also, sorry for not responding earlier, I’ve had some busy days.
Lektor maybe?
Well, that or go to court for a movie collection. I’d phrase my statement differently, but I can see the appeal of the settlement.