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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I have this wonderful memory back when I lived in the The Netherlands and worked near Amsterdam of people outside in an open shopping area, sitting down on a table and eating patates (big chunky chips) and a starling on the ground looking at them and seemingly giving them a long speech.

    I always imagine it was some “poor me” speech on how he had 8 starving young ones at home and would they thrown a patate his way.

    For some reason in that place starlings were much comfortable around humans thanwhat I’ve seen elsewhere, and like sparrows would be going around on the ground looking for scraps.

  • My old Samsung Tab A6 tablet (which is from 2016) has has been limping along at 96% full whilst having just 4 apps I actually installed and used, because of all the useless Samsung junk in it which after a few updates has expanded to use almost all of the available space and this with me trying hard to avoid updating anything not “system” or required even if pre-instealled.

    (With storage usage this close to 100%, if you don’t restart the tablet once in a while, it fill up with temporary and cache files, which in turn causes random app crashes and malfunctions)

    Got pissed some weeks ago and last weekend after some researched flashed a Custom ROM into it (somebody back in 2021 actually built LineageOS for it: Thanks Mone!)

    I’m still using those same 4 apps in it yet storage is now 40% free, I even have an updated Android version and the thing is working as if it was new.

    Screw Samsung: even when their hardware was actually decent, their software was already bloated crap.

  • The other day I got a Mini PC to use as a home server (including as media server with Kodi).

    It has 8GB of RAM, came with some Windows (10 or 11), didn’t even try it and wiped it out, put Lubunto on it and a bunch of services along with Kodi.

    Even though it’s running X in order to have Kodi there and Firefox is open and everything, it’s using slightly over 2GB of RAM.

    I keep wanting to upgrade it to 16 GB, because, you know, I just like mucking about with hardware and there’s the whole new toy feeling, but I look at the memory usage and just can’t bring myself around to do it just for fun, as it would be a completelly useless upgrade and not even bright eyed uuh, shinny me can convince adult me to waste 60 bucks on something so utterly completelly useless.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMan pages bad
    2 months ago

    Some man pages are just gigantic lists of unintuitive parameters in alphabetical order with no usage examples and even if you know how to search for text in a man page (forward slash then the text you want to search for) you’re just stabbing in the dark.

    Others are excellent.

    The problem with man pages is that you never know if you’re getting the former or the latter.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldme🦊irl
    3 months ago

    I love it how you just want to do something simple and very, very common and normal with a command but you don’t know the magic flags to get it to do it and they’re not just a logical one (like, say “-a” for all) so you do a man for it and it has something like 50 flags listed in alphabethical rather than functional order, some of which only make sense in specific combinations (which are never show together and have to be found by reading the entries for all 50 flags) and there are no examples anywhere to be found of normal usage scenarios for that command.

    So that’s when you use some internet search engine and it turns out the most common simplest use of it is something like “doshit --lol --nokidding --verbose=3”.

  • LED lighbulbs.

    Started getting them way back when those things were quite expensive and they still payed for themselves within 2 years.

    You can use bigger more powerful ones to get more light in a room, which makes your home much more pleasant without your electricity bill going through the roof.

    And this is just plain bulbs, no extra installation work stuff. If you go into stuff like LED light strips you can surround yourself with light and/or pimp your home to your hearth’s content.

    There is really is no need to live in a place that turns into an almost cavelike somber environment when the sun goes down.

  • Racism.

    You can see that by how American politicians go on and on about Israel being a “Jewish Nation”, a characteristic that is wholly unimportant unless ones is a racist.

    Since WWII and what was done to millions of Jewish people because of their etnicity (and not only them: there is this “strange” forgetfulness that for example people were also being exterminated for having the Roma etnicity) by the German racists that, even though the racism itself never died, Jews became “one of us” for the racists in many countries with a predominant white majority (in other words, they’re considered just another kind of “white”).

    Israel itself seems to have invested a lot into portraying itself as a “Western Nation” to further entrench and capitalize on that “one of us” perception in Western nations,

    Palestinians, on the other hand are seen by the racists as “muslims” and as some call it “brown people”, with quite a lot of nasty prejudices associated with both characteristics.

    For the racists this is an “people like us” vs “them” fight, hence why even very overt and extreme racist statement of the Israelis like calling Palestinians “human animals” don’t shock them (they’re pretty much aligned with the racists’ prejudices about “muslims” and “non-whites”) and hence too the vastly different reaction from how the invasion of Ukraine by Russia was seen, since that one from a racist point of view was “people like us” vs “people like us”.

    This, by the way, also explains Germany’s behaviour on this: the Nazis might have been kicked out of power there but that very “special” way of looking at other human beings as primarily members of an etnicity and “like us” or “not like us” has never left, so Israel gets unwavering support no matter what and that’s very overtly stated as because “they’re the Jewish Nation” (notice how it’s people etnicity that determines if support is given).

  • I moved to a different country driven by a wanting to become worldly rather than for economic reasons.

    Facing a whole new place, with a different language, different social norms and expectations and even different living conditions, like that on your own makes you massivelly more adaptable to new environments, as a later move to a different country showed as well as living for a couple of months in yet another one.