In your case, you’re gonna guano
In your case, you’re gonna guano
‘Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain’ feels like a match. The amount of gendered behavior is minimal and secondary to the personalities of the people.
Tribalism in general
Anything by Tindersticks
Great deep lore of ancient games
Yeah they are almost eight minutes. Without fast forward it’s unbearable
I started watching again after moving in with my now wife. Fortunately our TV has a recording function, which has the benefit of being able to fast forward through commercials.
That way I can mitigate the horror that are ads. Otherwise I’d refuse to watch tbh
That is of you count them to be the same body. Genetically that isn’t so.
nono, MOASS is coming soon™
Fun fact about Dutch: The informal is ‘jou/je’ and de formal is ‘u’, the last one, however, is pronounced like English ‘you’, the former is pronounced like old-time-english thou.
Very many home improvement tasks cause a bit of mess and having to move furniture around. If you don’t do them initially, it’s way harder to motivate yourself to do it when you’re fully moved in. Flooring/skirting/painting are the typical things you’ll want to do up front.
In recording oral history I find that not asking too particular questions is often best, you want to lead them into freely drive into their memories and come into the mood of remembering things by themselves.
One way that has worked for me was to ask about the layout of they parental house, not because that is particular knowledge you want to record, but because it is a way for them to feel back at home and remember stuff.
Oh and please record it and, given permission ofc, hand the recording in to a nearby archive. Recorded oral history is a scarce good and can mean the world for people researching stuff you’ve not even thought about.
I don’t agree with organized religion. However the more I see the current nihilistic world leader situation and general care for others situation devolve, the more I see the appeal of a counterweight that at least appeals to a sense of morality.
Not that any church actually lives up to that. But it’s a nice thought that works leaders somehow would have to defer to some kind of moral administrator and people in general learning about compassion, unselfishness and forgiveness.
There just was an oil comparison on Dutch tv. Basically all refined plant based oils perform the same. So sunflower or canola do just as fine as avocado oil.
For half the price (or more)
No cigarettes?
The way we use our brain. I thought that everybody’s brain was used similarly to hire I use mine. But I’m fact everybody did it differently.
For instance, some people use more of their visual cortex to do maths, and assign colors to different numbers. For some maths takes place more in the language part, or timekeeping part.
Richard Feynman did some experimenting with this: ( from 2.08)
But it makes sense, in school nobody tells you how to use your brain, they just give assignments and look at the outcome, also you don’t really control how your brain works, you can train it to do some things more efficient, but you can’t learn to do maths in your visual cortex.
So… which one is the lesser of two weevils?
No I was talking about electoral funding, through super PACs and the like. How individuals and companies can buy their way into politicians favor.
I was talking about that the dollar amount raised during elections is a measure of success. That’s not the case in almost all developed countries. And it’s wrong.
I do not have kids. I fiercely disprove of the idea of havnig kids without having a person to have those kids with.
I finally met somebody I would probably have them with.
But shes already past menopause, so it’s not going to happen.
And that’s cool, we’re DINKY-ing it out.