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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I dive hard into certain artists when find a song I like, but I find that my interest will naturally shift to other artists. For example, in 2022 Spotify put me in the top 0.01% for Seamus Kennedy because I found a funny song about a “greusome” moment. But I only occasionally listen to him this year. Right now I’m on a Dua Lipa binge because she put out a new good song with a hot music video. Never really gave her a chance before because I thought it was a weird band name. If I get bored and haven’t found anything new I’ll dive into something older too. Got on a Vengaboys and Limp Bizkit kick lately too.

  • I’m a bioinformatician. The problem with using bioinformatics software here is that the input or output data size is huge for most tasks, which makes submitting jobs off site much more difficult.

    Bacterial genome assembly isn’t too bad though. I use Nanopore sequencing data and the input is usually on the order of a few gigabytes per task for an output file of a few megabytes. (pulling numbers outta my butt, but shouldn’t be too far off) But the multiplying this by 48 or 96 which is the number of samples out machine can run all at the same time and you’re getting into hundreds of gigabytes for input data. It’s just tough to manage this with cloud services.

    But if you go simpler, you could offer a BLAST server. You just need to host your own database and accept queries. Not sure if you can split it into smaller tasks though. If you segment the main database your p-value results will change.

  • That’s not right at all by my thinking.

    Infinite multiverse means infinite exact same universe as ours, yes. But it also means there are also infinite different universes. But you can use comparisons to see that there would likely be more universes that are different than ours because of small permutations in history causing larger effects in the future. So I like to think there are both many exact universes, and many very different universes.