Ms. ArmoredThirteen

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • The original XCOM has some of the best pixel art in any game, imo. Original resolution: 320x200. Somehow it is still visually detailed and clear. It has one of my favorite things in a game ever where the tiles you see are partially obscured by tiles you can’t. Specifically, the tiles you can’t see aren’t fully blocked so silhouettes can still be visible. If you’re good you can use it to ID aliens lurking in the shadows and sometimes it’s literally like 3 pixels of difference for you to pick up on it

  • Okay so the dumb part is a lot of this is me abstracting away our complex build system. I’ve basically bubble-gummed a dedicated build system in top of it for only the tasks I do. At a certain point if I start adding configurations or timing I might as well just wrap it in gradle or something. But the system that I’m calling is already their attempt at simplifying another build system that’s underneath it that was written by the old guard using arcane sorcery. The whole thing is a mess

  • This is part of why I still have manual kickoffs for mine. Never need to worry about work getting done while I’m away or getting done suspiciously fast. Also they should have paid you lol, the dingdongs. Would cost a lot more just in work lost having someone else spend time deciphering and fixing it. They could always get someone else up to speed with the system after it is fixed by you so there’s little or no down time

  • I’m in my 30s and feel completely hopeless right now. It comes and goes, I’ll be great for a few years then everything collapses for a few. Right now I’m staring down an expensive major surgery, losing a series of very important people in my life, divorce, work burnout. Just got to take it as best you can and try to find some goals to point toward

    My current hobbies include doing as many physical activities as I can to keep my mind off things, painting minis, and playing ukulele. Do what you can to have good sleeping habits. My sleep is garbage and it makes everything 10x harder. As always, don’t forget to drink water

    Seeing people around you partying, having gone through my own drugs and alcohol phase, it’s not all that worth it really. At least for me at any rate. I was much happier after I got a better feel for what I actually wanted in life instead of trying to use alcohol to fit in. I was like 27-28 when I figured that out

  • I’ve gone to several Gogol Bordello concerts, they’re always amazing. Most memorable one was when Eugene Hütz got their guitar strap stuck in their hair and kept rampaging around the stage with the guitar just hanging there, not holding it in their hands or anything. He kept making the stagehands go away instead of letting them help untangle the guitar. The mosh pits can be wild. Pre-covid he’d take swigs of wine and spit take it all over the pit, post covid they just splash wine everywhere instead which is still fun but not quite the same.

    Another one that will stick with me is I got to go to a punk house and listen to local trans artists. I watched from the roof and spray painted a trans flag up there it was great

  • Yeah I just tell people I don’t have social media (which save for Lemmy and Discord is true), and we exchange numbers. Nobody I’ve run into has batted an eye at this. I think people really are coming back around to texting because it’s easier in a lot of ways. An exception to this is trans people, femme in particular, where being on Discord is so ubiquitous we don’t even ask if the other person has it we just assume it’s their preferred chat method…