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Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Oh, my parents take the prize.

    To pick just one thing, I remember a disagreement about how to re-arrange the furniture my bedroom. I remember saying (and with regret as the words were leaving my mouth), “well, it is my room.” Instant shitshow. She announced that since she wasn’t needed she would be Running Away From Home.

    Even at 5 or 6, I knew that this was the stupidest thing ever, but that she also wouldn’t back down unless I cried and chased her and begged her to stay. She got out the front door and slowly walked towards the street, stopping every few feet to look back. She had nowhere to go, obviously. If this were going to be a battle of wills, I held all the cards. I was also six. If I had been 16, I might have thought to lock the front door behind her. In any case, even at that age I knew that if I somehow won this, things could only get worse.

    Yeah, I whipped up some tears and ran after her. But she never tried that one again and I like to think that it was because she got all the way to the street before she got her intended outcome.

  • #1 The archeological museum in Krakow. https://ma.krakow.pl/en/main-page/

    It’s an old school museum, which tend to be my favorites, but there had been an art exhibition installed the week before so there were art installations displayed alongside the regular exhibits. The whole experience was wonderfully weird. It wasn’t always 100% clear what was part of the regular exhibit and what was art, because some of the regular exhibits were pretty weird. Was there an entire elaborate exhibit (with light-up displays) about the hydrogeology of southern Poland? What was the very Soviet-bloc looking sewing machine doing in that one room? Adding to the fun, the docents were very very insistent upon the order in which you visited each room. I think that was completely normal for them, but it added to the weirdness. There was also a mirror that would sound an alarm if you approached too closely. Its purpose was unclear. When we went in we were not expecting some of the exhibits to be… off.

    #2 The Museum of Jurassic Technology in LA. https://mjt.org/

    Apparently now open by appointment only. It’s weird by design, which is why it gets #2 rating.

    #3 Any museum where you walk in and mentally say, “I’ve made a huge mistake.” These tend to be small places where it’s just you, your equally uncomfortable spouse, and the curator/owner. You’re getting a special tour. I mean, you know in your heart that he’s more interested in showing your his weird shit than murdering you, but the question of whether you’ll feature in the next exhibit is always floating in the air. They may not have the nicest stuff to look at, but you remember the experience.