Having savings gives you some time before you have to get something part time to help out with bills. When you’re between jobs, it’s not vacation time. Your job is too find another job. You should spend the 8 hours or so you would have spent working instead preparing your resume, brushing up on interview skills, searching for and applying to jobs, and responding to emails. Depending on your field there may be some short term contract work available that will help you pay the bills while you look for something permanent. The point is: don’t just sit on your butt, get it in gear.
Having savings gives you some time before you have to get something part time to help out with bills. When you’re between jobs, it’s not vacation time. Your job is too find another job. You should spend the 8 hours or so you would have spent working instead preparing your resume, brushing up on interview skills, searching for and applying to jobs, and responding to emails. Depending on your field there may be some short term contract work available that will help you pay the bills while you look for something permanent. The point is: don’t just sit on your butt, get it in gear.