This is my fourth profile on the Fediverse lol. This time, I’m hoping Mbin is where I stay!

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024

  • Alongside what cm0002 said, I’ve found that finding recruiters manually and putting yourself out there has significantly increased my callback rate. They really know how to pitch you a lot of the time, and I wish I knew this as a junior.

    Basically, look for postings by TekSystems, Jobot and other recruiting companies and put in applications to their systems (make sure to only apply for a few so as to not seem like a “spray and pray” job seeker). Hopefully, you will get a callback and / or emails about positions. Eventually, you will get a call from a recruiter from one of the recruiting firms and they will ask you a bunch of questions about your tech stack, experience, what your preferences are for positions, etc and they will basically file you away for later. When they find a fit, they reach out.

    It’s great to have like 5 - 10 of these recruiters (from different companies) since you know you’ll be getting calls even in dry periods like this one.

    Also, I really cannot emphasize this enough - LEARN DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS. It sucks to get a call from a company, have them set up a technical interview and then fail it and lose out on the opportunity.

    This Udemy course is a great place to start if you know JS and it regularly goes on sale for $15 like every two weeks (not sponsored, it’s just genuinely a fantastic course and it’s worth every penny at any price, but for $15 it’s a steal if you know JS):

  • Programming (React, JavaScript, Python and anything AI are hot and tend to pay well once you’re in the industry), 3D Modelling, 3D Animation, Game Development, Digital Design, IT / InfoSec work (may need a few certificates to be competitive), Call Taker (these can be brutal, but good companies exist).

    If you’re able to walk around somewhat and can sit for very long periods of time, truck driving may be an option (again, depending on your disability specifically). Truck driving is in extremely high demand and pays pretty well, and may even hook you up with hotel rooms if you get the right benefits. You will need to be able to sit in one spot and drive for many hours sometimes though, like 12+ hours.

    Writing is also an option, as is drop shipping / starting a print-on-demand company on Etsy (though these will take a while to get rolling).

  • Recent? None so far.

    Somewhat old? Civilization III. I ordered it like 5 years ago and was trying to scratch the itch left by Call to Power II, but the multiplayer is flaky at best on LAN and the tech tree just isn’t interesting to me. Later entries also have the “tech tree doesn’t interest me” thing and also don’t scratch the Call to Power itch (they don’t have the wacky future tech like hover tanks and eco-warfare) but they also look a lot more visually interesting at least.

    I miss when stacking was a thing in Civ. Sure it was relatively unbalanced, but that’s part of the fun in my experience.

    /end grandpa rant

  • Are you me, but Canadian? I completely and entirely agree with your comment (USA checking in). Some of our biggest issues are directly caused by our utter dependence on cars, but also by different driving laws in different areas, dumb exit / entrance designs, lack of signage in critical areas (especially regarding high-speed turns) and general disrepair of the roads. These things all compound to make accidents one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

    There should be more uniform rules and regulations regarding letting just anyone drive a 2+ ton vehicle, and it’s abhorrent how little you need to know to pass a driving test

  • I’m going to be real - I completely empathize with your sentiment, but I feel like comparing two jobs to actual slavery is off-base.

    Is it fucked that you need to do that to survive? Absolutely, it’s completely horrible. The current capitalist hell scape we live in is just miserable, and there’s sadly no end in sight. It really seems like the 1% are trying their best to screw over the other classes. They even lie about the statistics of the situation to try to make it sound better!

    However, even with all of that…

    It’s no comparison to slavery as we know it. That’s more akin to what our (read: United States) prisons do - pay people almost nothing (if anything at all) to do brutal work for hours and hours.

    Traditionally, even the current slavery-esque system that the prisons have is way better than any slavery beforehand - no one gave a shit if your foot was infected, if you were a slave, you had to work or you were beaten / killed in many cases. Prison also pays you most of the time (albeit for criminally small amounts of money).

    There was no end in sight, no opportunity to apply for other jobs, you couldn’t say “fuck it, rent be damned” and quit and you damn-sure didn’t have luxuries such as a fridge or plumbing.

    There are lots of places still like this today - North Korea, China (Xinjiang), dotted places across South America and Africa (whom I unfortunately cannot remember at this time), Saudi Arabia and the UAE come to mind. In North Korea, as well, you almost never make it out of their system and a lot of the time your family is taken in with you for your crimes. There are countless atrocities happening with the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China, and there are undoubtedly prison camps in Russia holding Ukrainian POWs.

    The idea of working two full-time jobs is not fun, but it’s not exactly on the same level as slave labor. At least you can quit a job and maybe end up homeless, where you likely have a shelter of some kind and / or can seek assistance of some variety. It’s not ideal, don’t get me wrong, but it’s better than outright being maimed and killed.

    If you “quit” a job in a slave camp in pretty much any of the places I listed above, you’ll be tortured for days on end and left to die a horrific death (if you aren’t just outright shot). No one will come to help, and no one will care. It’s just not the same.

  • No way to help, but:

    TL;DR - my job sucks. Not enough to actually get sympathy from much of anyone, though.

    More info if you want it:

    My manager thinks he’s the smartest man alive and is instantly better than everyone else on the team, but he’s literally making every single bad choice he can.

    I asked him a question about a specific implementation detail comment on an RFC the other day and he kept reiterating the plan for the overall feature.

    Like, bro, I literally know the plan, just tell me whether or not the field is able to be used in the URL now. It was just abundantly clear that he had no idea what the answer was, but chose not to say “I don’t know” and instead just kept reiterating the basic plan.

    There was no miscommunication on my part. I’m successfully working on the ticket. He just didn’t want to say “I don’t know”. He opted to waste my time as well as everyone else’s on that call.

    This, on top of pay issues (IE, them paying me very late), means I’m actively searching again. This job has been the biggest thorn in my ass for way too long.

    It’s hard to get sympathy from people, though, since I also get paid very handsomely. I’ve basically realized I need to just stop mentioning my job with people from my hometown. That’s fine, though, again the main issue really is my manager. Other than him, to be real, my life is amazing.