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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I dream often, usually I am able to remember them if I want to but never really bother unless it sticks out as a great story. It tends to happen when I’m about to wake up and while I’m in that mid sleep twilight zone. (Think of trying to back to sleep after an alarm, that kinda sleep)

    I would also like to mention that my sleep in incredibly messed up. I have a sleep condition that causes me to wake multiple times an hour so my rest is awful and I’m eternally exhausted.

  • Outside of my prepubescent years, I spent roughly 4.5 years being “Single”. I did have some partners here and there but never rose to a full relationship. I was simply a bit of a wreck after a bad relationship ended and destroyed my trust.

    Ultimately, I’m a companion orientated person and a bit of a romantic. Being single isn’t the end of the world for me but I miss casual touch and someone to do things with. I make due and am generally happy and haven’t really been in the market searching for about 1.5 years now.

    The pros of being single: free time, make plans with whomever, low drama, quiet life.

    Cons: free time, lack of general intimacy, lack of hobby sharing, and doing things as I am companion oriented

    My partnership goal would be to find someone who has some hobby interests that align with mine and likes the quiet life. At this point I won’t be having kids and marriage doesn’t feel all that important. I don’t need a document to agree to be with someone. I’d just want a place out in a rural area where we can enjoy quiet living, gardening, tinkering, and evenings with fires, jokes and the occasional hosting of people to hang out.

  • My job is not fulfilling…anymore. I started in the industry and consumed knowledge. Landed a high level job in the industry but due to regulatory bodies (which is understandable) I’m not able to use most of my knowledge and am wilting in capabilities now.

    Moving up is nigh impossible within the company. However, I do get paid enough that I’m not cheque to cheque and can focus a bit more on my outside life. That with the additional fact that my specific job is extremely stable to economic factors comparatively, I’ll probably stay.