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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The British empire spent hundreds of years conquering places looking for ideal weather then went home.

    My guess is that they don’t have the constitution for thriving outside of some very specific living conditions that include moderate temperatures, indirect sunlight, tea and biscuits, somewhere to queue, and a tax on the telly to complain about.

  • I am ableist. People have very real and objective limits to their functionality based on the individual. Just as I wouldn’t trust a blind person to drive, I don’t trust a disingenuous person be fair, nor a belligerent person to conceed, nor a stupid person to develop cognizance. So when people show me how they are going to behave, I believe them, and treat them appropriately.

    Now if any of those people choose to engage fairly, ask questions to garner understanding rather than make statements of pride and ego then I’m more than willing to engage on fair terms and with as many concessions as possible to foster and develop their understanding.

    But if not, then they have already degenerated the conversation and made mutual comprehension impossible, at which point yes, I very much do enjoy flexing my creative zeal for the purpose of administering discomfort, for why should the pain of ignorance be a one way street.

  • I can no longer tell if you’re deliberately misinterpreting what I’m saying or not. As a gesture of good faith I’ll do my best to extrapolate because answering your questions directly would be useless as they don’t represent what I was saying correctly.

    I am OK. I just don’t abide wilful idiocy and have no qualms using abrasive language to counteract abrasive stupidity. There’s a reason I get upvotes despite my conduct, it’s because people are tired of the poorly educated spouting their poorly formed opinions against a sea of reality and objective fact and not having anyone push back against their deliberate belligerence. I have actually explained my position at length in my comments elsewhere but I’ll repost what I said here for brevity and because linking comments is janky.

    For context, this is all from a positively upvoted comment chain through which I told a person they were a fucking moron and shredded their imbicilic argument built on a fundamental misunderstanding of how their own government worked but continued to insist their objective stupidity was correct and then tried to gish gallop multiple times.

    To which someone said:

    What he is doing is called gish gallop and has soured all forms of debate in America. Its… textbook. You just give out so many arguments, no matter the merit, that it’s a complete slog to counter each of them. Where it falls flat is if you press them on one fucking thing, doesn’t even have to be about the shit they listed and you can easily win any argument with these ass hats.

    It’s funny, cause when you do press them and they see their bullshit isn’t working they go, “no fair.” Pricks, all of em.

    And my response that helps explain my position:

    They say that you shouldn’t argue with idiots because they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

    It’s a skill issue, I think too many erudite people refuse to appropriately educate themselves in the ways of the disingenuous, ignorant, and uneducated because those things are incongruent with truth and knowledge.

    They lack the understanding that you need to practice arguing with idiots to get better at arguing with idiots; so they never develop the skills to be pointedly obtuse, belligerent and mean in an effective manner to shut down and wind out other belligerent people. Subsequently they lack the knowledge on how to fight back against wilfully ignorant or disingenuous speech.

    For a nerdy analogy I’m the grey jedi of argumentation.

    And in reply to another belligerent who said there was no need for the insults:

    Sure there is, people like you are too stupid, ignorant, and incompetent to participate in the conversation you want to have yet you will continue to try because you have the functional mental capacity of an amoeba. This comment is proof, you’re so wilfully ignorant and incapable of checking your own ego that you can’t help but be disingenuous and belligerent because that’s the limit of your knowledge.

    When it’s obvious that you lack even the slightest chance of cognizance then there’s no longer any point in trying to “discuss” or "converse"with you because you lack the fundamental skills to participate and are literally too stupid to realise your own incapabilities, leaving just one course of interaction, derision and humiliation of your crayon munching capacity.

    Like trying to teach a dog how to tie a shoe, you just don’t have it in you to participate, but you’ll try and think you’re participating anyway

  • Yes, I don’t abide idiots and I tell them what I think of their wilful ignorance and deliberate belligerence just as I’m doing with you now. Just because you want to act like a fuckwit in a disingenuous and underhanded manner spitting in the face of real decorum and good faith communication then I have zero qualms about calling out that I understand the why and how of your attempts to be insulting and that I recognize your deliberate stupidity and the lack of real substance in your arguments.

    If that offends you then stop offending me with your attempts at self flagellation and Mother Teresa style sympathy.

    And if you actually care about who I am and why I am then don’t disingenuously peruse my comments out of context and maybe read the other half that aren’t dealing directly with braindead troglodytes trying to insist their ignorance is as good as other people’s knowledge.

  • Eh, the universe is mostly gas, emptiness and hot rocks, if we get out there the only thing we will likey hurt is ourselves. At least we’d have the time to develop some decorum before running into another species.

    Hell, if anything we’d become the progenitor species for our local space cluster. Agriculture 2: Interplanetary Boogaloo.

  • If human civilization crashes it will never recover to it’s current state and that might just be the best thing for humanity in the long run.

    We’ve used all the easily accessible resources, a big enough technological setback will put us beyond the point of being able to access the resources needed to redevelop technology and our fate will be permanantly tied to the planet with no hope of extraplanatary expansion.

    The fact is we’re destroying this planet faster than we can escape it, we may have already missed the mark for humanity to spread to the stars. If that’s the case, best humanity lose the ability to continue to harm itself and it’s environment, before we do something even more permanant.