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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I have an analog clock in my man cave. Its very steam punk in design. It is NOT accurate and is ONLY a decoration piece that gets corrected when I can spare the attention. It runs fast, if anyone cares.

    Ultimately, my wife liked it, bought it for me, and put it up. Not gonna upset her over something I really don’t care about.

  • Step one: Buy a few firearms, for different scenarios (which should be easier under Trump sigh)

    Step two: Go to work, home, and limit unnecessary errands, order for delivery more.

    Step three: Practice marksmanship with various firearms. I have a country, but sane, friend of the family with a shooting range on her land.

    Step four: Hunker down in my deep red state, because I hold non-christian belief’s and I won’t recant them on pain of death. Not because my beliefs “protect” me, but because as an American, I believe in freedom of religion and I’ll die a proud American before I die as a Christian, my belief’s don’t matter compared to that. The protection of those belief’s does.

  • As an American, fuck yes, absolutely, 100%.

    As a Texan, fuck yes, absolutely, 1000%.

    The wife and I are already considering leaving the state. Prices for everything are rising to ridiculous levels.

    An apartment I could have afforded on my own a decade ago would require three incomes, and the neighborhoods are no less violent and crime ridden. Food deserts, lack of health care options, lack of gainful employment in that geographic area, all deterrents to paying more than I do now for a mortgage.

    If I thought I had the skills and wherewithal to strike out and homestead I would. Alas, I do not.

    I long to leave “the grid,” but require medication to function as a normal human being. As such, I am beholden to the system. I must cooperate against my better interest to attain medication to live. I am, for lack of a better term, a slave to it.

    Before anyone comes in calling a race card play, or any other shit, I am a cis het white male. In theory, I am the problem, and yet I suffer the same.

    I decided at the age of seven that life, as we know it, was not worth living. 30 some odd years later, that has not changed.

  • I like that, I really do.

    Batman is a genius, in several realms, but as a tactician? MAN… With time to prepare, including ramming through scientific processes with just fucking CASH, he can probably could take on anyone.

    Surprise The Bat? Man, he’s fucking solid… Melee combatant, strategist, understanding of a WIDE field of practices, he is fucking GOOD.

    That being said, he is a MAN. Just a human being. GREAT training, GREAT tech, GREAT strategy… but still, something alien to his understanding (not necessarily extra terrestrial in origin) and he gets fucked.

    That being said, Batman exemplifies the powers of the human MIND. If we can assess it, HUMANITY can provide a short term solution. Long term, we can fuck ourselves. Short term though? We can kill God, gods, etc.

    Batman represents humanity, as a mental construct, at its peak. We can take in, digest, and provide useful solutions to solve a problem. Again, short term. We rarely plan past a generation or two.

  • I’m currently off my bipolar meds, against my will. Insurance change required a doctor change, and finding anyone who was available within a months time was not possible.

    I need shit to get back to “normal” in my brain. I’m not doing well. I wasn’t before, but yeah…

    Only a couple more days until my appointment. I had one last week, and they sent me to the wrong place, coupled with a whole slew of other issues, and I said fuck em. Thankfully found someone the second time around pretty quickly.

  • Anecdotally, I had a blockage I thankfully passed without medical intervention… but it was a long terrible night.

    There was a lot of gas built up behind the blockage, and it hurt. Like, a broken bone would have preferable, and yes I have had broken bones.

    Over the course of hours, I could FEEL the blockage slowly moving its way out, accompanied with great pain every time.

    When I finally passed it, it was similar to a musket round being fired, with a long loose butthole fart for at least a solid minute.

    The relief was immense. Second most relief I’ve ever felt.

    First was an ear infection behind a total blockage of ear wax. The pressure was insane. Second we just went over. For perspective, the third was receiving IV morphine in the hospital slightly before emergency surgery.

  • Case@lemmynsfw.comtoAndroid@lemdro.idRam in phones?
    6 months ago

    I mean, 8 gigs of RAM is overkill depending on what you’re doing.

    For general computing sure, but if you build out a device for a specific purpose, you can really cut down on a crap ton of resources including memory.

    Unix principle, adopted by Linux. Do one thing and do it well.

    Applies to more than just software design.

  • With a pi hole, you’re basically setting up a DNS server that has built in abilities to stop ads.

    What that means is, you can point your router (or any device really) at that DNS server (pi hole) to block ads.

    Ublock is good.

    Due to remote work constraints, a pi hole doesn’t play nicely with their stuff and I can’t be bothered to figure out a work around. Mostly because it’s my wife’s remote work, and their IT is hesitant to talk with me about it - I get it, I wouldn’t do that at work (I’m in IT).

    So I use ublock on Firefox on both my desktop and phone, plus I run through a VPN that blocks ads and malware for everything else. The VPN is a separate use case, but that’s just an added benefit.

  • I know a little linux, but obviously I’m still learning. I’ve picked up everything I know on my own, for the most part - internet guides from the linux community tend to be pretty solid, and I know enough to not totally FUBAR my system.

    Is there a listing of standard linux directories and what they’re for? Lite /etc, things like that. Because I seem to find bits of different stuff in a variety of directories.

    I’ve recently moved to linux on my gaming rig, which is my daily driver - that being said, it is mainly for gaming. Anything can surf the web or play videos and shit, for the most part.

  • Case@lemmynsfw.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldServer Hardware?
    9 months ago

    Performance isn’t key. But I like performance, lol. I also wasn’t aware of their more recent practices. So thank you.

    I’ll have to check out the HP mini. As I said, just barely scratched the surface on researching this, and its more of a thought than a project at the moment, lol.

    I just can’t afford (and cool) enterprise level stuff at home. It was free (to me) so no big loss other than buying a better CPU used ~50 bucks. I’ve spent more on worse ideas lol.

  • Case@lemmynsfw.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldServer Hardware?
    9 months ago

    Cost and a personal bias, also I’ve seen more helpful communities amongst Linux and FOSS advocates than trying to deal with a big brand.

    I’ve done a lot of IT stuff in my life, even before working in IT.

    I’ve seen too many issues from big brands, and its usually caused by the company.

    I have a Pi 2 from way back. I’ve thrown so many distros at that thing over time, and without fail I don’t run into any problems I didn’t personally create while learning or through human error.

    I understand all too well that those big brands have support for businesses, warranties, etc. It makes them cost effective long term for business. At a personal level I just don’t see the benefits outweighing the negatives.

    Again, personal bias. Same core reason I avoid apple products, bias, though I mainly dislike apples cost combined with their closed off, well, everything.

  • Case@lemmynsfw.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldServer Hardware?
    9 months ago

    I’ve got enterprise level hardware, rack moubtable all that jazz.

    Between the cost of power, and the heat it generates (which uses more AC and thus power) its not feasible to run it.

    I’m looking into clustering some raspberry pis for a more power (and heat) efficient hardware as my next project. Barely scratched the surface of research though.

    So hey, if anyone has any tips or links, it would be much appreciated.