2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Happy cake day @ruud@lemmy.world ! Appreciate you hosting all us Reddit Refugees when the Reddit Third-Party API Exodus happened one year ago! And big shout out to you and the other volunteer mods and admins, across multiple instances, that put in their free time to stabilize Lemmy World during the massive uptick in user registration, handling the codebase, the upgrade challenges, the creepy CSAM bad actors last year, and saw us through all the intermittent downtimes we had periodically. Lemmy World has been super stable and reliable since then.

    Reminder to all reading this: if you can, chip in and help with server costs for this valuable service. Decentralization FTW

  • I used to be okay with ads. Back then, they were on television often and gave you a chance to check on things, use the restroom, etc. Internet advertising in the 90s and early 2000s was annoying and pervasive. I was fine with banner ads and only one popup, because you could easily close it and crack on.

    But then ads (and the Internet) became personalized with pervasive and predatory tracking. Coupled with the manipulation of algorithms, I’ve grown to despise most centralized systems. I hate advertising and now I make sure to take heavy measures to block as much as I can and reduce my footprint as much as possible within my control.

    If companies turn off their telemetry and the personalization, stop selling my information with reckless abandon, and stop leaking my data where they claim “your privacy and security is important to us”, then and only then will I disable my ad blockers.

  • Moms everywhere after slaving hours in the kitchen preparing a banquet breakfast feast for her family of three, watching her son grab a bagel because they’re late for school: “ … Have a good day sweetie! Guess I’ll throw this in the trash.”

    Dad looking up from the newspaper with stock quotes: “Oops, I’m late for the business factory. Bye, honey!”

    Moms: “I hate my life, it’s like I’m living in a TV trope!”

  • It sounds like cryptocurrency is the best solution here, unless anyone can vet a payment intermediary that’s safe and accepts transactions for NSFW stuff. And then of course has great security and can protect you from being doxxed.

    I haven’t been to your instance but I think you can try posting official Monero and Bitcoin addresses and directing users there with a pinned post, and maybe something in your sidebar - I’m on mobile so not sure if you already have something like that. Might be worth even creating a Vanity BTC address to increase the legitimacy - something like 1LEMMYxyzetc. There’s a lot of people out there that believe in the practicality of certain crypto coins, so I think XMR and BTC are your best bet. They may be willing to help if they come to your instance all the time.

  • That’s awesome - well done! Reminded me of something else, story below.

    For anyone that watched MythBusters, you’re probably aware the two main hosts, Adam and Jaimie, didn’t like each other because they were two different clashing personalities and tough to work with. There was a pirate myths episode, and Adam went all out dressing as a pirate and using a very heavy faux-pirate accent. Jaimie was laughing so hard during that scene that his whole head was red! One of the most endearing moments of the show, and something I treasure because this show was so influential for me growing up.

    Props to anyone like @Vanth@reddthat.com that makes the normally serious person laugh!

  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Especially the second movie, Sea of Monsters.

    Thank goodness the TV show is coming in December. Rick Riordan, the author, has personally been overseeing the production. I have high confidence the tv series will be much closer to the books. Hopefully this will do well enough that future seasons will be funded and we’ll get seasons that adapt the rest of the books.