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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Pop was a great stepping stone for my apple-fanatic of a partner. Installed on media tower for the main T.V. and now they’re actually seeing the value in replacing the apple tv in the bedroom for something more customizable with protections (the ads alone on youtube are so blatantly horrible that it’s a completely different experience viewing the same video from different rooms now). When we started getting ads on our paid-subscribed services, the whole “subscriber eco-system” those devices are based on just completely became obsolete when we started cancelling one service at a time. I feel bad for the little apple device though, it’s got some impressive hardware for it’s packaging. Gonna have to see what I can do to make it useful again one day with a second life use.

  • I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make unless you’re saying no one has to create a Discord account, or have to download an app, or have to find an invite to locate the server. My keys are auto-generated and auto-saved, simple 20 second process. Forums are also a lot easier to sign up for than Discord, if you’re worried about making another account I don’t know what to tell ya because every service requires it.

  • If you can’t grasp it, that’s on you. It’s also why purity moralizing isn’t useful

    oh ok, thanks for the clarification.

    If people are not stepping up to do the community management and infrastructure work, I will go with the past of least resistance.

    That’s basically it in a nut shell, path of least resistance. Doesn’t refute any claims made in the article or arguments presented here. Just a shame another company has a stranglehold on a whole category of services that have to be used to participate in society … while developing FOSS.

  • The discussion seems very muddled and opinionated ITT because I’m not even sure if you’re talking about a Discord Server or a forum/communication platform on a dedicated server. You might be able to slap together a Discord server faster, but the organizational power and not putting that extra work on users for Discord participation makes forum’s superior. Part of the project development is sysadmin. If it’s not, why take it FOSS at all? Discord is designed to take up your time, those pretty bots and “perks” keep you viewing. What could’ve been a well thought out message on a board with a reply now becomes 20+ texts which you’re stuck communicating on. Rinse and repeat every day, on a forum you simply link the previous conversation and you’re done.

    I think it’s a neutral wash atm, Discord may be packaged better to be mainstream but it’s bloat all around with lots of negatives. Anyone saying Discord is better is just preference at this point, lots of counterintuitive comments like we need “real-time” communication but also anything else takes up project development, like Discord is some kind of time saver.

  • I think you might just be blinded by Discord for some reason. I’m not sure what “niche” you’re referring to with Discord that can’t be provided with forums (unless you’re worried about cosmetics I guess?). There are forums with real-time communications like chat, notifications, direct-messaging. I’m not trying to argue, getting your perspective is always helpful and might show something I’m missing, but your responses seem vague and not really a counter-point.