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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • My thought is the evolution of intelligent life itself. If you think about it, intelligence is contrary to most of the principles of evolution. You spend a shit ton of energy to think, and you don’t really get much back for that investment until you start building a civilization.

    As far as we can tell, sufficient intelligence to build technological civilizations has only evolved once in the entire history of the Earth, and even then humans almost went extinct

  • Not an expert, but my understanding is that the multiverse (at least, what we today associate as the multiverse) came about due to the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Basically, quantum physicists had an observation - particles were moving as though they were being pushed by an invisible wave, and they would pick a random position based on that wave when observed.

    The most prevalent explanation for this behavior is the Copenhagen interpretation, which states that the particle is the invisible wave, and the wave collapses into a particle when it is measured. But another common interpretation is the many worlds interpretation, which states that the invisible wave is just a statistical probability of where the particle is. And the reason why the particle seems to pick a random point on the wave when observed is actually because the particle creates branching timelines, and we can only observe what happens in our own timelines. Hence, it seems random to us.

    I speculate that the idea of multiple parallel timelines, each slightly different, was probably pretty popular with scifi writers, especially since it’s an easy way to portray “what if” scenarios in their stories, and so the concept became popular because of that

  • Hmm, that’s an interesting question. I’m not an evolutionary biologist but I am a biologist (more specifically, a microbiogist).

    The crux of the misunderstanding, I think, is that the definition of what counts as advantageous or “good” has changed over time. Very rapidly, in fact. The reason many diseases are still around today is because many genetic diseases offered a very real advantage in the past. The example that is often given is malaria and sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia gives resistance to malaria, which is why it’s so prevalent in populations that historically have high incidence of malaria.

    Natural selection doesn’t improve anything, it just makes animals more fit for their exact, immediate situation. That also means that it is very possible (and in fact, very likely) that the traits that we today associate with health will become disadvantageous in the future.

    If we remember that natural selection isn’t trying to push humanity towards any goal, enlightenment, or good health, it becomes easier to acknowledge and accept that we can and should interfere with natural selection

  • Contramuffin@lemmy.worldtoanime_irl@ani.socialanime_irl
    2 months ago

    It says

    Bocchi za rokku Arigatou gozaimashita!

    Bocchi za rokku is the name of the series (Bocchi the rock)

    And the ri/i thing is just a handwriting thing. You can tell it’s meant to be ri because the right side is much longer than left side

    Edit: also, warra wouldn’t be translated as laugh. The stem of verbs can’t stand on their own. You will only see warau (laugh) as warai, waratte, warayou, etc., but never as just wara. It also wouldn’t really make sense to make wara into warra. Some people will add the tsu to emphasize certain syllables, but in this case, it would just end up sounding weird and unnatural. And plus there’s no real reason to emphasize syllables in this case

  • To be clear, the magic system in this world is essentially technology. There is a set input and a destined output. The MC simply doesn’t care about fighting to learn any advanced fighting spells and just gatling-gun-spams the weakest attack spell until the opponent gets exhausted.

    This ends up being brought up later, since a mage who’s sufficiently trained in fighting supposedly has a fair chance of defeating the MC. It’s a bit of a theme throughout the show about juggling the practical fighting applications of magic vs. the mundane but fun uses of magic

  • I still have it because it’s still the easiest and most convenient way to message people that you’ve just met. There’s a sort of snowball effect in which having lots of people incentives even more people to stay on the platform. Nobody I know actually uses Facebook as a social media site - they only use it for Messenger.

    Although, I’ve found that more and more people are starting to use SMS as their first choice rather than Messenger

  • The way I interpret it is that “next Sunday” is the same as saying “next week’s Sunday.” Meanwhile, “this sunday” refers to “this week’s Sunday.” So if it’s Friday and I want to meet 5 days from now, I would call it next Wednesday. But if it’s Monday and I want to meet 5 days from now, I call it this Saturday

    But also, anyone with even a bit of courtesy would give a full date, along with the day of the week, if they’re the to schedule something

  • I was recently recommended an internet mystery by YouTube. I didn’t know about it until then (and I’m generally pretty online), so it’s probably not well known.

    It’s the song, Like the Wind (or Blind the Wind). Story goes that a kid recorded the song in 1984 from a West German radio station, but he didn’t catch the name of the song nor the band. Eventually, the recording got posted online, and strangely enough, nobody online seems to recognize it. It’s still unknown where this song came from. People call it Like the Wind (or Blind the Wind) because that’s what the first 3 words of the song sound like. Speculation is that it’s probably from an East German indie rock band that got disbanded, but at this time, it’ll probably never be solved

  • I would be generally concerned. There are scam operations that are almost exactly like what you described. Scams nowadays aren’t quick - some of them take months to set up, and the scammer talks to the victim (often a middle-aged lady) for weeks to months before they start asking for money. It’s unfortunate the world is like this, but sometimes you have to be callous to other people to protect yourself. I don’t know what I would do in that situation.