• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • I would suggest you also try to find different perspectives on how people got different opinions on the subject

    No offense, but; oh, please.

    I find it extremely annoying that people pretend as if I’ve not listened to or considered the “different opinions”. If it even was different opinions. It never really is. That’s my point. People don’t really form an opinion of the subject as an aversion to it. If I could just relay my personal experiences to you. The frustration of politely bringing the topic up pretty much always ends in people getting extremely upset. And I’ve worked customer service for decades. I know how to be polite.

    I don’t need to accept the asinine propaganda being touted as someone’s opinion. Like the “I don’t want my doctor being high” shit. It’s almost as disrespectfully asinine as “if people do LSD, they’ll peel themselves as oranges or try to fly by jumping of high rise buildings”. No respectable doctor is someone who goes to work high. And if they’re a doctor who’s not respectable and have a drug issue, they shouldn’t be a doctor, but those doctors exist currently. And according to actual science we have on the issue, reforming drug laws to be more liberal really works on addicts, so legalising drugs will actually make it less likely your doctor would be high. Doctors have access to pharmaceuticals all the time, so why on Earth would they need to wait for them to be legal? Them being legal wouldn’t make it okay for them to be under the influence at work, just like it’s not okay for them to be under the influence now.

    See. I have considered their “opinions”. More than they have. And that’s my issue with it. People get somewhat upset, and then say “have you considered”, when it’s literally them who are refusing to even consider my side.

    If anything, your opinion/facts are discarded quicker

    That is a myth as well, btw. Well, according to the flimsy research we have.

    What is true however, is that some people will sometimes (or most of the time) perceive neutral attitudes as hostile ones. Unfortunately, not my issue. Where I live, we speak directly. It’s in our culture.

    However, for that one guy, I’m not really being neutral towards. But this comment, for instance, is completely neutral.

    You know who appears too emotionally connected to a subject? People who can’t even consider something else than what someone programmed into their brain through shitty propaganda, because they get extremely emotionally upset if they even try.

    It’s a cold hard fact that prohibition of drugs is extremely harmful towards the planet, and any sort of even indirect defense of it or defense of aversion towards discussing it is bad for the world in the long run.

    Imagine if you were suddenly transported to say to the 1800’s or something. Imagine how annoyed and disgusted you would be with people who’d get annoyed (or even downright violent) at you for you trying to talk about how chattel slavery is bad.

    edit oh I forgot to mention, there’s one person that I actually managed to completely convert during a single night. He began touting 60’s propaganda. (Literally, he was like 70 or something at the time and this was in 2011 or something.) He was the president of the local Mensa. (Any my coworker, he worked part time essentially.) He actually considered my points. It took a while to get through the propaganda, but once I just posed the same simple questions enough times (and after a bottle of Jägermeister) he suddenly stopped at one point when he was raising his finger in protest, then froze, looked somewhere far and was like. “Huh. I think you got me with that one.” And that’s how you recognise intelligence. He actually listened, unlike 99% of the population with that extreme aversion to the whole topic.

  • So you’re admitting that you don’t “listen” to the people you have conversations with online?

    This is looking better and better for you, isn’t it? You ask for books, then can’t talk about them, you yell “fallacy” then say you’re not debating, you say you won’t even reply anymore, but then keep coming back, despite not having anything to say except these childish attempts at being a smart-arse.

    Why do you do it?

    I can address everything we’ve talked about. I can stand behind my words. You can’t.

    You need to “up your game”.

  • I like using forums and discussing even with people who are obnoxious and wrong. I don’t feel a need to stop replying. I don’t have a childish need of “winning” a “not-debate” I’m in.

    I’m not the one who loudly proclaimed they’re “done” with this debate. Or was it conversation? Your use of “fallacy!” while trying to “win” a debate seemed to imply you’re trying to debate, as did the list form of replying you did in your last comment.

    I answered all your questions, but I know you won’t address my answers or answer my questions.

  • It is funny that you think I am debating you, or that I owe you an answer to any of your questions when you refuse to answer mine.

    Isn’t it just?

    Because someone listing things like that, answering with oneliners, while yelling out “fallacy” to “win” a debate, isn’t “debating”? Sure, buddy, sure.

    Did you ever stop to think that the propaganda you speak of is directly influenced by exactly what steeznson was speaking about?

    Do you know what a rhetorical question is? Are you pretending you’re really looking for a yes or no answer to your rhetorical question? The answer to your RHETORICAL question is “yes.” Happy? (“Rhetorical” doesn’t mean “not waiting for an answer” btw, which I’m sure you think it does.)

    Why do you believe that anti-drug propaganda only began in the 20th century?

    Perhaps read my comments again to know why I haven’t answered a question asking me about a thing I didn’t say? If you want to be petty and childish about taking things literally and not having a reasonable discussion, then really, why would you ask something this stupid?

    Do you know what Religion is, and its impacts on anti-drug mentalities predating the 20th century?

    I’ve answered that several times. Even in a comment of it’s own that had nothing else in it. Why do you keep ignoring my reply?

    If you’re honestly interested, you can find tons of literature.

    And I stand by that and provided you that literature, which you’ve ignored now for several days, because you weren’t asking in good faith. You didn’t actually want to know any, you’re just being a childish c**t who thought asking for “ten books” would be some sort of impossible intellectual criteria you thought I couldn’t manage. Which definitely tells a lot about what you consider to be “a lot of books.” How many books you read in a year? I’m thinking you’re of the generation who doesn’t read books at all, which is why you asked, but now can’t actually discuss the literature which you asked for.

    A strong reader would notice the lack of “?” at the end of that sentence, meaning it wasn’t a “question”.

    It’s honestly getting to be a bit annoying how childish you’re being.

    Did you forget that I said I would be ignoring you moving forward?

    No, but I’ve had this same exact conversation a billion times (yes, that is metaphorical, not literal), and kids like you always get pissy, start trying to “win” by yelling out “fallacy” (not realising that even if logic was fallacious doesn’t mean the conclusion is wrong), ignoring every single idiotic mistake you make, and then going “I’m done, you’re not worth it” while constantly returning to answer and so desperately trying to “get the last word.” That’s exactly who you are. Like I said, kids like you are a dime in a dozen. You need to up your game.

    You literally referenced Opium Wars, thinking they’re the same thing as the war ON drugs. They were wars FOR drugs. Not understanding the difference between “for” and “on” doesn’t suggest strong reading abilities, does it?

  • Fucking again. Why do you keep doing this?

    When people read this thread, who do you think they will think is serious about having a conversation; the guy actually recapping the essence of the conversation, and trying to continue it, or the asshat who keeps trying extremely juvenile “tactics” like yelling “fallacy”, saying “you haven’t answered my (bad faith) questions” (which I have) and absolutely refusing to address the subject.

    You asked for books. That was the first question you had, after I said I can provide literature. You then arbitrarily asked for ten books, supposing I haven’t read ten books on the subject. (If narratives are included, I definitely have.) I then provided a lot of literature, emphasising the book “Good Cop, Bad War”, which highlights how the drug war has worked and what is has done, and why it is that it exists in the first place. You can read a lot of that from Noam Chomsky as well, as the “War ON drugs” (not war for drugs, like the opium wars you referred to) began in the States, and Chomsky is really good at breaking down internal US politics of the time.

    You said stupid shit and now you’re too ashamed to back it up because you know you can’t, but you’re also afraid of “not getting the last word.”

    You can’t address the book and literature I mentioned, despite asking for them.

    You conflated wars FOR opium to The War ON Drugs. All these silly things you ignore, because you’re not a big enough person to admit to mistakes, even on a pseudonymous forum. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I’m really not. Kids like you are a dime a dozen.

  • your engagement has been kind of shitty toward them, too

    Oh I don’t deny that for a second. I’m very fed up with people who get snarky like that over the drug war. It’s because of the drug propaganda. Even people who use them themselves, have this inbuilt aversion to even thinking about drug legalisation. Genuinely, I’ve had the conversation with hundreds of people in real life, and it’s just something… insidious. So I fight it whenever I can, and there’s no irl social repercussions for being a dick on Lemmy, so if he’s being a dick and defending the prohibition of drugs — even if they actually oppose it, as they admit — I am going to respond with the same measure.

    This is an exaggeration, but I genuinely believe that a complete reform of drug laws is essential to the entire planet. Basically all crime funds itself through illegal drugs, so we’d basically take out drug cartels by legalising drugs, and through that, all the other shit that’s adjacent. A metric fuckton of crime would just up and vanish, basically. As the drug trade will exist, legal or not, but if it’s legal, there’s legal ways to go about it, so deals can be made, contracts drawn up, and if people break them or don’t pay, one can use the legal system to get one’s dues. When it’s illegal, you just have to hammer a guy’s knees, because you can’t put the drug debt into an official system, but you can’t let a guy go either, nor can you go to the police and say he’s stolen from you.

    And that’s just the first part.

    Because have you ever been in any event that people mainly used ecstasy in? Just… no-one is angry. No violence. Complete opposite of a regular Saturday night in a Finnish bar which is full of implied threats and menacing looks.

    I’m not saying everyone should do ecstasy, but I am saying that when given a choice, a lot of people I know would prefer ecstasy if it was socially acceptable (they use maybe 1-2 times a year, go to an event of some sort, so as to not be in the local clubs). And going by the literature in psychiatric and psychological treatments which use psychedelics/mdma, they could be amazingly helpful to the global community. I once actually made a video called “make Trump do LSD”. I stand by the sentiment, but the video was shit.

    Anyway, even those mates who go to some ecstasy gigs a few times a year, they got really upset one time when we started talking about it. Which to me is just crazy. They know. They use the drugs. But when I asked why, it was a plethora of the same indirect, vague prohibition supporting bullshit, which comes through the shitty drug war propaganda.

  • Well, if you don’t think you’re “debating”, why did you answer by quoting something I said and then just writing “fallacious”? I’ll tell you. Because first off, you don’t know philosophy and thought pointing out a fallacy means you “win” the conversation.

    I haven’t refused to answer any of your questions, buddy boy, you just keep shifting your goalposts. Maybe you’ve heard of that expression when larping a philosopher?

    You asked for books. That was the first question you had, after I said I can provide literature. You then arbitrarily asked for ten books, supposing I haven’t read ten books on the subject. (If narratives are included, I definitely have.) I then provided a lot of literature, emphasising the book “Good Cop, Bad War”, which highlights how the drug war has worked and what is has done, and why it is that it exists in the first place. You can read a lot of that from Noam Chomsky as well, as the “War ON drugs” (not war for drugs, like the opium wars you referred to) began in the States, and Chomsky is really good at breaking down internal US politics of the time.

    But you’re not looking to discuss the subject, because you know you’re wrong, so you can’t address it, because you’re not a big enough person to actually admit when someone else makes a good point or proves you wrong. Perhaps you got too much of that in real life and now thought that you wouldn’t have to take any online. Well, you know, if you keep being wrong so stubbornly, and using “fallacies” to “debate” then, you’re gonna have to learn to accept people calling you out on it.

  • You know what’s another really edgelord (not “edge lord”) thing?

    To not answer questions put to you after you pretend to be a master debater.

    Perhaps it’s because you literally can’t answer any of those questions, because they show what a bad faith actor you are.

    No answers about the books, after having asked for them. Have you read the list of books you linked? Ofc you haven’t. You yourself admit you asked for books I had read, then somehow think a list of books from an Amazon search is related?

    The wars for drugs weren’t wars on drugs, but for them, silly.

    All in all, you need to up your game. (Thinking you “win” a debate by loudly yelling "fallacy! Hahahah, so good)

  • A “war ON drugs” is a bit different from “a war FOR drugs”. Perhaps you don’t speak English?

    The opioid wars weren’t wars ON drugs.

    Genuinely I wonder how people like you aren’t ashamed to post. Genuinely baffles me.

    You don’t even read the comments you reply to. Vice laws have been tried several times in history.

    You just don’t know your fucking history, yet you’re childish enough to argue me without even having a fucking point. It’s pathetic.

    It’s generally accepted the war on drugs “really” began in the 70’s, in the form it is today.


    The term “war on drugs” was popularized by the media after a press conference, given on June 17, 1971, during which President Richard Nixon declared drug abuse “public enemy number one”. He stated, "In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive. … This will be a worldwide offensive.

    This is evident from a whole lot of historic facts — all of which you’re unaware of, obviously.

  • a day or so about drug liberalisation.

    But you’re pretending we’re not arguing over drug “liberalisation”, so which is it? Am I arguing with you over that, or something else?

    The only point of disagreement is

    So you get to ignore all the stupid mistakes you made, and say what the conversation is about? Seems like you haven’t had any conversations in real life…

    I think you need to work on your persuasive writing and debating skills

    Oh God, more of this. It’s so clear what you value and what you pretend to be. Like when you thought that you’d win an argument by yelling out “fallacy”, as if that meant that another person has to be wrong. Showing so clearly that you think that is an incredibly clear sign of how immature you are, philosophically.

    You’re pretending you don’t know what an implication is (while still arguing based on what you think I implied), you’re pretending like drug wars didn’t start in the 20th century, and you’re pretending you didn’t say all the stupid shit you did. So, what do you think of the book? (Which you haven’t read, like you’ve not read any others on the subject either.)

    Quite frankly, I thank you for the entertainment.

  • You never named 10 books, while I provided a source for over 200.

    And what exactly does this prove? That you know what Google is? Are you pretending you weren’t asking for 10 books I had read on the subject? But, you just admitted you asked for it because you wanted to know what I’d read, so you obviously didn’t want a googled list of books, which you then provided yourself? Continuing with your asinine prescriptive bullshit, but not applying it to yourself? Seeing as how I never said “unrestricted access to any drug.”

    Oh look! More projection!

    Oh look, a kid pretending he understands psychology!

    and yet I have never made a claim otherwise.

    Pretending like you don’t understand what an implication is. Very mature, indeed.

    You should probably stop serial editing everyone of your comments.

    Oh no, I made a typo! Nothing screams “chronically online edgelord” (that’s how you spell “edgelord”) just like thinking that editing a comment is somehow bad.

    You try all the most edgelord things, like screaming “fallacy” to win a debate. Remember that? Remember when you tried winning an argument by calling it fallacious, like the edgelord you are, who has never picked up a book on philosophy, yet wants to pretend online he understands rhetoric.

    All in all you need to up your game.

    I haven’t laughed that hard in months

  • See, but you are wrong, and now you’re trying to pretend you’re not, because you’re a ~20 something male who can’t accept when they make a mistake, and they always have to learn through being humiliated, than being ashamed for a few weeks, and then not doing that same mistake publicly again.

    Remember the time you actually linked “that’s a fallacy” , thinking naming a fallacy means you “win” a debate, when you presumed that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong, when obviously, that’s not the case.

  • What do you believe is the difference between “Prohibition of all drugs to be lifted” and “unrestricted access to any drug”?

    You should check a dictionary. A prohibition is when something is illegal to sell. Do you think if something isn’t illegal, it’s unrestricted? Why would you think that?

    You’d rather chew your own leg off than answer my question from the previous comment. That’s how strong the propaganda is, and I don’t know why it affects you so much.

    I will pose my questions one more time.

    And I stand by that.

    I’ve answered your questions, but you’re not asking them for any reason. You’re pretending to ask them for a reason. Honestly, what are you, like, 20? This is insanely childish.

    #Show me drug propaganda from the 19th century please. I’ll wait right here. You will desperately google some, but the only thing you’ll find from the 19th century is drug adverts, not propaganda. There are a few cases in history of so called vice laws, but prohibition =/= drug propaganda. Perhaps you didn’t realise that, huh?

    Do you know what Religion is, and its impacts on anti-drug mentalities predating the 20th century?

    I do yes. You do not.


    Why did you ask for me to mention ten books when you can’t address a single one that I name? Perhaps because you’re a sort of silly little boy who’s pretending to know a lot about something they don’t, thinking that because they’ve smoked weed, they’re not “against the prohibition”, while actively fighting it.

    Anyone supporting the prohibition of drugs is acting against the well-being of society in general. That’s an indisputable fact I can and have backed with peer-reviewed studies.

    edit oh that’s a fun comment about “projection” from some teen who thinks he “wins” debates by saying “that’s a fallacy” as if you’ve ever opened a philosophy book :DD let alone understood the first thing about psychology. you’ve tried your teenage gotchas several times and i’ve shown you how much of a tit you were being and wow, you instantly stop with the argument I made you feel stupid about.

  • I was very daunted by driving when I started, especially when I had to drive a really old clunky low-power diesel Mercedes with my overly critical dad and big brother yelling at me.

    Didn’t take long for it to become second nature, and I actually drove taxis for several years.

    It literally just takes a while for your brain to get accustomed to everything. Yes, youre right in that a manual can be a distraction from learning traffic, but it really doesn’t take long for the shifting to become very natural, and then you can pay attention to the traffic.

    As for actual tips on the clutch, it’s not really as much a matter of millimeters, as it is about the balance between throttle and clutch. Don’t be afraid to give it a bit more gas to makeita sure you won’t stop the car even if you let go of the clutch slower. Yes it will sound a bit like a student driver, revving the car “needlessly”, but you are a student driver and it isn’t needless revving, because you’re still learning the feel for the clutch.

    It also depend a lot on the make and model of the car the school has. It’s a bit of a personal preference, but clutches are really different in different cars. You might really like a 90’s Mercedes with a reeaally long clutch, but that too takes getting a bit used to. I remember the cars my car school had were fairly new Ford’s, and they had really short clutches. Annoyed me as well.

    Honestly took me less than a year of driving and I knew how to shift without a clutch. Some really old 70’s sand lorries my dad used to drive didn’t have clutches, so he taught me how to (in some cars it works some don’t really like it, but basically you could do it in all manual cars, without damaging the gearbox if you do it properly); when accelerating, just as you let go of the throttle, like 0.5sec after that there’s a short period where you can just pull the gear to neutral without any resistance. That’s easy. Shifting into gear from neutral without clutch isn’t as easy, but in some cars, not much of a challenge. You need to rev the engine to match the rpm, but like with a short press of the gas pedal, which revs the rpm higher than it needs to, then when the rpm is coming down there’s a window where you can shift into gear really easily.

    I ramble, you don’t need to thin about that.

    I would suggest, if possible (idk if you have a learners permit or smth and can drive under parent supervision), to practice driving on highways and country roads for less traffic to learn the car better. If not, maybe ask your teacher on the next lesson if you could do that.

    And if not, if you have to drive in the city, the most important is just to remember that the panic and rudeness you feel isn’t something which should make you hurry. People will be annoyed, but you have a right to annoy them, as you’re learning. It’s a shit thing, being a learning driver, but once you get your licence and get to take the car on a long drive yourself on some chill roads, you might actually enjoy the driving because the stress won’t be there. And then learning will become easier as well, when your heart isn’t beating through your chest with someone watching over you.

    Just keep at it. You know what to do. Now it’s just a bit of repetition.

    Edit oh and ask anything if you like, 3rd gen taxi driver, drove since 2007 (not driving currently). No stupid questions exist. So anything at all, go ahead.