• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Thanks for the reply ! I’ll look into that ! And I’m not scarred off malicious command i do understand vaguely what command do, what I’m afraid of is changing config file from the terminal to add or replace stuff that i don’t understand and that part is a bit complicated to me even looking into it on the internet. This post really comes after a good 4h at least of trying to get it to work and searching stuff online. I already tried some things to no avail yet. Thanks again !

  • Well since a few days my laptop speakers do not work anymore lmao. I had to install it 4 times to make my gpu drivers work. If you’re not that teck savy it’s fine but you need to atleast be interested in it and ready for it, and also patient. If you have a laptop I strongly advise you check online to see how well supported it is and if you have a nvidia card check if people are having issues.

    Good luck on your journey, so far i don’t regret my choice mostly because i know that linux is so maleable no matter the issue i’ll get it fixed.