Immigrant parent that hates new immigrants. Of course, he’s a trump supporter.
Immigrant parent that hates new immigrants. Of course, he’s a trump supporter.
Regulate the % of the work force to limit foreign visa workers. As long as American companies can opt to hire visa workers for less pay and benefits, American workers will be at a disadvantage. Especially if it’s easy to order an immigration raid once workers begin trying to unionize or negotiate for better working conditions or salary
You’re supposed to leave no trace.
Clown strike
My cable Internet bill or maybe the water bill. They’re my lowest regular bills and they’re about 100.
That looks like an ill-eagle. Set him free in a sanctuary.
Legacy of the wizard, rygar, cypher (strider)
I left my cat at the animal shelter because I moved into an apartment; and it was doing too many annoying cat things.
Casual racism that only intensified the inequity. Realize it’s the billionaire class that’s benefiting from the in fighting.