I believe this to be true for nearly all products. It has to be super simple to test, because you need to assess if it fits your needs. The mental model for a priori assessment is not strong enough usually.
I believe this to be true for nearly all products. It has to be super simple to test, because you need to assess if it fits your needs. The mental model for a priori assessment is not strong enough usually.
LLMs don’t have live longterm memory learning. They have frozen weights that can be finetuned manually. Everything else is input and feedback tokens. Those work on frozen weights, so there is no longterm learning. This is short term memory only.
The term embodiment is kinda loose. My use is the version of AI learning about the world with a body and its capabilities and social implications. What you are saying is outright not possible. We don’t have stable lifelong learning yet. We don’t even have stable humanoid walking, even if Boston dynamics looks advanced. Maybe in the next 20 years but my point stands. Humans are very good at detecting miniscule differences in others and robots won’t get the benefit of „growing up“ in society as one of us. This means that advanced AI won’t be able to connect on the same level, since it doesn’t share the same experiences. Even therapists don’t match every patient. People usually search for a fitting therapist. An AI will be worse.
There is the theory that most therapy methods work by building a healthy relationship with the therapist and using that for growth since it’s more reliable than the ones that caused the issues in the first place. As others have said, I don’t believe that a machine has this capability simply by being too different. It’s an embodiment problem.
Incremental approach when the task seems too big to grasp. I agree!
Die rechten Parteien tischen die systematische Diskriminierung von Migranten als vermeintlich einfache Lösung für all das auf. Merz ist ein Demagoge.
Wie ist Godot mit VR?
Ich glaube das wird oft mit Holzstücken aus dem gleichen Holz repariert. Hab mal gesehen wie ein Schreiner ein Astloch aufgebohrt und dann mit einem holzdübel + Leim gestopft und anschließend runtergefeilt und geschliffen hat. Denke das funktioniert auch so mit Holzkeilen bei Rissen, aber k.a.
Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland 😌
Most apps integrate with reminders in some way, but only import from there. I am also looking for a long time now. The only app that comes to mind is Obsidian with the „Remotely Save“ sync plugin. I use it for notes but you can use obsidian for todo lists.