
I’m here for a meme time, up votes to the left thanks

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • As a fresh-ish lemmite. It depends on what YOU are looking for out of it. A good example is “do I want to drive engagement for the sole reason of growing communities” in which case you just post to those communities. Leave softball comments on conversations. Easy stuff to prompt a followup comment “how does that work” “why does it work like that” even if you don’t care, because it prompts a followup-comment. Posts that are easy like “today I learned X thing” even though you didn’t, but if it’s super popular and a lot of people knew about it, it drives big comment chains. This type of person is in every single comment section at least once. You see their names as OPs constantly. High post engagement rate (more engaging vs just clicking on the post then off the post) promotes things to the front page. Or at least higher than the bottom.

    If you’re looking for “honest” engagement then it’s going to be more like “how often is my comment a worthwhile contribution?” In these instances it’s follow-ups asking why X does a thing. Or answering someone else’s question. You see this person rarely, and their comments are paragraphs. They could be right or wrong but they often appear to know what they’re talking about. These people hang out in political subs (and other high controversy places) and drive conversation. Either they pick a side and defend it or are informing others how a system works.

    Lastly is 2 opposite types. The ever-commenter who has 2k comments and no posts. They engage with EVERYONE as one of the above 2 types, even if it means they get downvoted or upvoted. This person will have a comment chain 35 comments long if people keep hitting Reply. Their counterpart is the ever-poster. They’ve got 2k posts and when you scroll they just the same post to 8 subs. Article about kid died in israel? They posted it in an Israel and Palestine sub, worldnews, news, a local news sub, politics, world politics, us politics, international politics, and noncredible defense. They post the same news article to every sub they can find. They rinse and repeat for each news article. This type of person rarely comments. These 2 people are the same but opposite sides of the spectrum.

  • It seems like I can get borderlands games and tanks up and running on Mint, I’m ok with LibreOffice over Office 2010, but how does one begin to move any of this to a new OS? do I need to like take an entire day re-installing everything? Can I open it, as other have said, on an external hard drive, move stuff to the new OS, and then let it have most of the rest of the PC? (keeping maybe 500gb for windows in case I can’t find something working) how does dual boot work then? Can I just have it boot Mint all the time and then “switch user” over to windows?

    How is mint day to day? This is my big concern. Something going wrong and not having the time to go digging across a dozen pages to figure it out. (I’m savvy enough to know how to work Google and get answers, but I’d rather things just work you know?) Do Nvidia drivers work the same as windows as far as manually searching for them? Who do I turn to if I have a question noone has asked before? Is there like a catalog of commands and how do I learn how to use them?

  • I like the idea of switching to Linux to break the strangle of windows on my hardware but I don’t know if all my games on Steam, Wargamings launcher and Automatic1111 will work properly if I made that switch. I installed Mint for a friend because I’m semi-literate and feel like messing with that…cmd window “terminal” to do…literally anything installation wise would get irritating.

    I want a Linux that is as easy to use out of the box as windows. Will Mint be that way or will I have to spend 5 hours figuring out special words for commands any time I want to install something?

  • I do. Full subscription. Originally I had Basic, but with banners and stuff being added I thought “ah fuck why not?” I spend a lot of time on the platform as staff for a large server, and frequent 2 or 3 others so I’m much more visible as a flagship and interacting with users than most normal users. I dont feel like the average user needs full nitro, but I can break down how I use/see the various features.


    I dropped my 2 boosts on some friends servers, our server is partnered and doesn’t need them, and I feel like boosts are…a silly money extraction tbh.

    I use animated emotes frequently and emotes from other servers (and animated emotes from other servers) so that feature is worth it.

    Increased file size is a godsend. I know this is artificially restricted and discord could be less stingy for free people, but for paid getting bigger uploads has helped tremendously when I have to use modmail on various servers. Send image proof? Easy. Video evidence? Done and done with that increased limit.

    Banner? I like it tbh. Not necessary but I like it. In tandem with this is setting my own colors for profile.

    I have never once used Remix.

    Super Emojis has got to be the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard of. You get like 5 per week, and is the first feature I go out of my way to use so I can justify its existence. Dumb as hell.

    Streaming is nice. I dont usually use it but it is nice to be able to stream in our channels at max. I feel like this one is artificially gimped by Discord to get you to pay, so YMMV. I don’t use this feature often.