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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • This is a good question, though. Seeing horrible things on the internet can affect you. Anywhere from getting wigged out to full out trauma is possible.

    Personally, if I come across something like that, it’s a good cue to take a quick break from screens. Go for a walk. Eat if you’re hungry. Drink if you’re thirsty. Spend quality time with your pets or plants if you have any. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and do what might be necessary to make you feel good and healthy. In that state, it’s easier to bring yourself back to the here and now. Look around you and appreciate your life. Seeing how real and raw those things are can give a person perspective, but if you overexpose yourself or ruminate on them, it can fuck you up a little bit. Even if you’re “desensitized.”

    If you’re lucky enough where things like that aren’t a regular part of your life (as it is for most of us here), use it as a lesson in not just taking care of yourself, but also of others and society as a whole. There are fucked up people in the world, yes. Sometimes the bad guys win and terrible or disturbing things happen, yes. It’s best to maintain pride in knowing you’re not trying to contribute to that problem, in whatever little way you can.

    And if you can’t seem to shake it, get some therapy. Not just for that one thing, but, it may be likely you’re slipping into rumination or worldviews that make it difficult to handle depression. Therapy is great, for real. Shop around and find a therapist you like.

  • For vacation properties and stuff, it’s sometimes far from worth it. Some timeshares work for people, though. For example, it’s common for aspiring pilots to own a timeshare on an airplane so they can fly on their own and log hours without actually owning a plane of their own. If it’s something you’re actually going to use, it can be ok. I went on a trip with a family who owned a timeshare on a giant houseboat in Lake Powell. It was pretty freaking awesome, actually. Each year, the family members pitch in to help pay for the trip, and you can fit a lot of people on a houseboat. Nobody wants to actually own a houseboat and deal with all the bullshit that comes with something like that. A boat is a money pit to begin with, so a timeshare on one actually looks much more desirable to some people.

    That being said, the sales tactics some companies use are designed to fool people into buying something they won’t get the value out of. They don’t care. I’ve always imagined that those little seminars they give to get you to buy one have another table right out the back door when you’re leaving that will sell you help to get rid of it. There’s NO WAY there’s not people covertly playing both sides of that.

  • I used to live in a house where the gas shutoff valve for the fireplace was in the living room floor, controlled with a little key. It was the perfect size for a marble to fall in and block it.

    I found a metal straw and taped it to the end of my vacuum hand attachment, effectively forcing the suction through the straw. I felt I may have been straining the vacuum a bit, but I was able to pull the marble out easy-peasy.

    If you have an attachment that fits in that hole, you’re good. If not, you can use a similar method to this.