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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • I used to be an incel, but probably not in the way you’d think. I mean it in the original use of the term, that is, I was a queer kid in a small town and there was not a single person in town I was attracted to who was also attracted to me.

    I moved to a big city, and things got a bit better but I still had issues in meeting new people with meaningful connections. I expected to just stumble upon the perfect partner that loved me exactly as I was, even though I hated myself.

    It wasn’t until someone basically slapped me in the face with the question, “Well, would you want to date YOU?” that it started to make sense. I was spending so much time looking for “the perfect partner” that I forgot to work on myself to become the perfect partner FOR that perfect partner. Once I stopped “looking” for them and instead started working on making myself a better person that things started falling into place.

    The only person you have to live with your entire life is yourself, so make sure you love yourself first and people will be attracted to that. No one wants to be with someone who hates themselves and everyone around them.

  • I remember the first time I went to an anime convention, and was SO EXCITED because they were going to host a DDR tournament!

    Then I went into the room where the tournament was supposed to be held and almost died. They were routinely shutting down the room just to try to air it out, and were doing routine announcements of “I do not care if you think you do not smell. Everyone needs to go back to their hotel and shower before coming back. We are serious.”

    I didn’t enter the tournament.

  • It was a journey. There were several small things that kept adding up until I couldn’t handle surrounding myself with hypocrites.

    1. Why do Christians get so sad when people die? They act like they’ll never see that person again when their religion says it’ll only be a few years before they’re reunited. Everyone says they believe that, but no one acts like it.

    2. When was the last time the church has been on the forefront of social change, and what was it for? Wasn’t slavery - that’s how Southern Baptists split from Baptists. Wasn’t women getting the right to vote or get divorced… Wasn’t when people were asking for workers rights… Same-sex marriage… You name it. The people claiming to have a direct line to the most potent love in the universe… Kind of suck at spreading the love around.

    3. Mega-churches.

    4. All the pedo scandals and coverups. It’s a feature, not a bug.

    5. Truly horrifying living conditions around the world. There is an amoeba found all over the globe who can eat its way into your eyeball, and then into your brain. Children experience this, and in some places, 30-40% of a population went blind because of it. There is no NEED for this to exist for an all-powerful god, but here they are. If god made nature, they made these amoeba, and I don’t want to associate with someone who created every deadly pathogen to ever exist.

    If there is a god, they’re a fucked-up sociopath, not the embodiment of love that I keep being told they are.