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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Im gonna guess.

    Sport is a spectacle. At the highest levels of any given sport(usually)

    Women, if they cannot compete with men, will simply not exist in the highest levels of that sport.

    If women cannot be part of the highest levels of that sport, the sport cant make enough money to create leagues that can convince enough women to put significant amount of systems in place to train and produce the best women capable of playing that sport.

    Until we stop caring about only letting/finding/supporting/producing the best of the best, its an incredibly bad idea to ignore the many sport specific disadvantage biology plays in competition

  • I disagree in that people mean different things when they say “i could care less” and “i couldnt care less”

    “I couldnt care less” is pretty self contained and unambiguous when i hear people use it but “i could care less” not so much.

    My experience being my own, i could very well be mistaken though.

    So i think “its raining cats and dogs” is not a fair comparison. Perhaps its simply too soon and it will become as settled in the future…when enough people just give up on using it. Will wait and see

    !remind me 10 years

  • What are you on about mate? No one suggested letting people organize themselves, you control by allowing the seats you want to load first. Airlines already load specific sections at a time.

    If seats A and F are window seats just load that way and also load by zone, back of plane first makes most sense(depending if theres more than one door on the plane or not, most are at front because of how planes park at a gate)

    They already know who is travelling together so they can choose to let whatever seats they want first. Like load an entire group if they are taking up a whole row.

    Just seems like they do priority boarding as way to increase ticket price, but the actual boarding process often seems badly designed

  • I feel people just being lazy yet again. Not sure why its such a sin to be precise when speaking/communicating.

    Like how often is something that causes a problem turns out to be a simple misunderstanding.

    I think phrase “i could care less” is supposed to have an “as if” in front of it. It started making a lot more sense to me when i started thinking people forgot about the beginning of the phrase.

    “I could care less…” Still works if used the correct way ie "I could care less about this, so maybe stop making this so difficult?”

    Suppose you could even use it kinda of threateningly, like the Darth Vader line, “pray i do not alter it any further”

  • Ahhhh okay thanks friend!

    Edit: interesting wiki on it!

    Sojourn continued until 1996, when a difference in creative vision among the staff led to the project being forked into TorilMUD and Duris: Land of Bloodlust. Of the two, TorilMUD is regarded as the more direct inheritor of Sojourn’s legacy. Toril continued until 1998, when it became Sojourn 2, and underwent another rebirth in 2001 as Sojourn 3. Kris retired in 2003, and Sojourn 3 was reborn as TorilMUD, or as the old-time players refer to it, Toril 2. Throughout these rebirths, the areas and code continued to grow: there are currently 300 zones (with several more nearing completion), 16277 types of monsters/mobs, and 13753 different items.

    Many TorilMUD staff members were staff on Sojourn 3, Sojourn 2, and some are even from Toril 1, providing a degree of continuity. All Toril staff started as players on the MUD, giving them a great deal of personal experience with the game.

  • And we have tried to clean the slate many times throughout history, but we always get back to where we are. And it will probably work, but i dont think we can until we weaken this digitally reinforced system this time. I think it needs to be broken more before we can get rid of it and the mechanism to breaking it is very simple, we the people need to use the system as much as the corpos do.

    So if we keep money circulating and OUT of investment, we gain power again over finances. Maybe not enough to reverse the problems, but enough that we CAN get to a clean slate.

    I think it will take a world war that changes the maps forever to happen any other way, which i think would be worse for too many people who wont survive. If this was in ukraine hasnt already shown us

  • I think we really just need to remove the burden of having to work yourself to death just to pay for the existence you didnt ask for.

    Which is why UBI or other similar strategies are becoming popular again. Ive thought a lot about this recently and we have too large or a system that depends entirely too much on transactions of money because it is a much easier way to trade goods and services as opposed to some kind of bartering system.

    But money and power corrupt everything over a long enough period of time. Massive turmoil can short circuit that as in times of crisis where values can shift greatly.

    I think the systems we rely on can’t really be dismantled at this point. We need to create an equilibrium before we can start that dismantling of useless,broken,restrictive,unethical, ways in which we transact with other people.

    UBI should be used as the mechanism to achieve that equilibrium so that everyone can use the system. If we arent able to financially exploit people anymore than the people will be able to live for the themselves.

    Not everyone will want to use that opportunity for self improvement, and we need to work to build a system that lets people not have to be a part of it while it still provides for them to live their unasked for existence in much more meaningful manner.

  • Conservatism is a vile plague of inhumanity, oppression and death and should be treated as such. It is due for a cure.

    And yet they seem to be the majority, or close to it. So one has to ask, why is that so many people turn to it. It has to give them value. And is that value real or perceived.

    For some it is very real, usually the exceptionally wealthy. Which means conservatism is profitable.

    Not having empathy for anyone outside of your in group would make it easy to dismiss or justify the fact that the first rule of capitalism is find a weakness and exploit it