Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.

Website: #IndieWeb

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I use Nextcloud Notes and Tasks extensively.

    Notes is kind of bare-bones compared to Carnet, which is more like Google Keep, but it’s fast, syncs with its own Android app, and stores notes as regular files in your Nextcloud folder so you can use any text editor with them.

    Tasks hooks into the calendar system and can sync with anything that supports CalDAV. I use Davx5 to sync it (along with my calendars and contacts) to my phone, where I use OpenTasks to actually manage my to-do list. The only problem I have with it is that it doesn’t support recurring tasks very well. I’ve sort of managed to work around that by syncing with Thunderbird, which lets me create recurring tasks in the underlying calendar data.

  • I have a single Raspberry Pi 3b as a local file/media server running Jellyfin. I’m also running BOINC and seeding torrents of various Linux distributions. External HDD for storage, plus a thumb drive for the local media and another for the torrents so it only has to spin up when someone’s actually using it.

    It’s not super-fast by any means, but it’s fast enough to listen to music over my LAN, which is the main thing I need it to do quickly. Though eventually I plan on setting up a better NAS on something with faster I/O.