I’m the king. Of jalopies.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Yeah it was a blast but also boring as hell at times. But we always found a way to have fun on set and I made new friends for life. The days that we’re particularly slow were usually the days that Martin would hire an ice cream truck or taco truck or whatever, just to keep all of us busy and happy basically. Andrea Savage also used to get us food catered for no reason. The food on set was already five star cuisine but still every times when we were just doing nothing and bored and suddenly a gelato truck or something would show up so that was always nice.

  • I was his permanent stand-in on Tulsa King. Basically he and I look very much alike so I did the scenes while they setup lighting and camera angles and stuff like that. Sometimes if Stallone was gone I would stand there while Martin “talked” to Stallone’s character. They don’t always film a conversation with both people present, sometimes one person just shoots all their dialogue then later the other person does theirs but they need a line of sight so the actor knows where to look. Stuff like that basically. But we hung out occasionally after work or during road trips to shoot on site or whatever. We became quickly acquainted, he’s so easy to like.