• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2022


  • Erstaunlich unaufgeregt. Man konnte von der Shopping-Meile einfach direkt in die Demo reinspazieren und da war alles komplett friedlich. Ich dachte, dass man da irgendwie mit Faschos oder der Polizei aneinandergeraten könnte, aber da gab’s überhaupt nichts.

    Hab jetzt nicht mit den Polizist*innen gequatscht, aber als ich in der Menschentraube von Nicht-Assis stand, dachte ich mir nur, dieses Gefühl der Rührung muss doch bestimmt sogar im Streifenwagen ankommen.

    Dass da tausende Menschen zusammenkommen, um zu sagen, dass Menschenrechte geil sind. Dass es geil ist, sich verdammt nochmal zu vertragen. Dass das nicht irgendwie eine politisch motivierte Einzelgruppe ist, sondern Menschen aus dem gesamten politischen Spektrum, jung & alt, ganze Familien, und sowohl Menschen, die dem arischen Bullshit entsprechen, als auch Leute, die von der AfD eigentlich eingeschüchtert werden sollen.
    Einige hielten Schilder, Regenbogen- und Antifa-Flaggen hoch, aber es gab wirklich Unzählige, wo man gemerkt hat, dass sie sonst nicht auf Demos gehen. Die gekommen sind, um unfassbar unpolitische Farbe zu bekennen, dass Nazis hier nicht willkommen sind.

  • Normally, I would reply to the guy, because, you know, he’s a human being, but there’s so many replies, I doubt, he can actually read all of them and potentially someone else has already made that point.

    Anyways, I feel like something he kind of misses here is that many of us do it from a heartfelt place. Like, we’re all techies. We’ve all used commercial software to a point where we’ve grown so frustrated with it that we decided it is a waste of time.

    So, it’s not us saying “Why don’t you go and just have more time/money?”.
    Rather, it’s us saying “This thing is wasting your time? Here is a solution that I felt wasted less time in the long run.”.

    Yes, sometimes that does miss the mark, because not every complaint is looking for a solution. Or because we may be frustrated with restrictions of commercial software, which are not a problem for less techy people. Or even because we’re embedded in this tech world and are hoping to make it a better place, which someone just quickly visiting may not care about.

    But other times, I do just happen to know a lot about technology and a non-techy genuinely did not know about the solution I suggested and is actually really appreciative of me bringing it up. It does happen. And it’s not easy to discern who would appreciate a suggestion and who won’t.

  • Yeah, that is a valid opinion to hold. I am saying that trust is garbage.

    You could consider compiling the KeePass app yourself, if you’re worried about that one in particular.
    A guy I used to study with, decided that he just wouldn’t have a password manager on his phone.
    I’ve certainly considered switching to a Linux phone for that, among many other reasons…

  • This F-Droid-like model (also popularly implemented by Linux distributions) is usually considered an improvement in security.

    The thing with FOSS is that ideally you don’t have to trust the developer at all.
    In theory, you could read the entire source code and compile it yourself. Then you’d know for sure that no malware is included.

    Obviously, in practice, you can only hope that some nerds dig into the source code and notify journalists of malware-like behaviour.
    It is no perfect protection. But it is the only tangible protection that FOSS actually delivers.

    What does not protect you, is to trust each individual developer. They could publish innocous source code and then build the release binaries from a version with the malware-like behaviour patched in.

    But because you likely don’t want to compile each app yourself, you might still feel compelled to entrust that work to a third party. This is where the F-Droid team comes in. Rather than trusting each developer, you just have to trust a single team.

    Well, and if an app is built in a reproducible build, then even the work from the F-Droid team can be verified.

  • Knusper@feddit.detolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldYou should
    7 months ago

    What that garble of symbols does, is that it defines and calls a function named :, which calls itself twice.

    The syntax for defining a function is different in Fish, so no, this particular garble will not work:

    But it is, of course, possible to write a (much more readable) version that will work in Fish.

  • In my experience, it strongly depends. In my team at work, the biggest Linux nerd is on GNOME, basically because he doesn’t care where his TMUX session runs.
    And I’m the guy with the most elaborate desktop workflow (tiling and 40+ virtual desktops among other aspects) and I wouldn’t want to use anything but KDE, because nothing else has as many features + customizability to support me in that workflow.

    But yeah, both of us started out on such mainstream desktops, then spent multiple years checking out all other desktops and eventually found different paths back to the mainstream.