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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • You mean the USPS that can send a letter to anyone in the US, no matter how remote, for less than $1.

    The USPS that has had its funding messed with for decades by Republicans trying to make private shipping the only option?

    The USPS that is guaranteed by the Constitution to exist and provide services?

    Yeah, let’s ditch this amazing service that provides stable union jobs everywhere in the US, and just let private industry take over, that works so well every other time we’ve done it.

  • Ehhh… I wouldn’t go so far as to call him apolitical. I used to watch his stuff, but he’s drifted pretty right over the years. His stuff used to be pretty neutral, but since he started his book publishing, and the WWSD rifle project, he’s just been slipping right wing stuff into his content.

    It doesn’t show up in the mainline informational videos too much, but his ad pushes and his side projects, which also show up on his main youtube channel, definitely have slid downhill.

  • Well, with multiple users you’d need to decide what the use case is for the whole NAS and then work down from there.

    Are you sharing everything in the NAS with everyone? In that case your NAS setup is fine, just a little permissive, because with RW to everything, the end users can break everything.

    If it were me setting this up, I’d have different mount points for different users. 1 mount for each user that only they can read/write (not even you should be able to see it), and 1 mount that everyone can read/write, maybe if you want to go a little bonkers, 1 mount that everyone can read, but only you can write to.

    Then you’d mount those three to separate mounts in your /media, and you can link them from your home directory for specific use cases.

    Obviously this is completely overkill, but you can take the parts that sound appealing to you and ignore the rest.