Remember faster!
Please 💖
Remember faster!
Please 💖
Basically anything I enjoy except cooking. They’re not the biggest tech/photography/software/3d printing/… enthusiasts.
I have one old Philips whatever they were called lamps that I can’t connect to home assistant. The rest I moved away from the bridge. I think I’ll just let go of that lamp.
Is there anything that dude can’t be?
Ah, to be young again. And also a duck.
I was looking for a new car (leasing) and kept checking different for some weeks until I stumbled upon one offer that was 100€ less than any other while being essentially the same (power, space, etc). That was nice and I don’t really care about brands as long as they are somewhat reliable.
Hinter der Ukraine zu stehen heißt opportun zu handeln. Russland hat ein ums andere Mal bewiesen, dass Grenzen überschritten werden wenn nicht dagegen gehalten wird. Wortwörtlich. Und für billiges Gas, Öl oder was auch immer klein beizugeben ist einknicken und sich selbst zum Mittäter zu machen.
I like your style. How often have you been cursed at?
Oh bitte, das klingt zauberhaft 💘
Or make instant travel a killing. Straight to the moon.
“You see officer, it wasn’t me robbing that bank. Bill Gates did it!”
Can you kidnap them to breed more? Asking for a friend.
I got myself a projector and it does nothing but display what I throw at it. I’m not watching cable anyway. The shield might be a great idea though.
Da scheidet die Regierung schon einmal aus. Und die Kunden vermutlich auch.
LPT: use the community search. There are several.
The battery drainer? That thing was epi…
Sorry, ran out of batteries.
Ach Friedi, hast du wieder keinen Mittagsschlaf gemacht? Du weißt doch, dass du dann unleidig wirst. Jetzt aber ab ins Betti und schön Bubu machen, ja? Dann gibt’s morgen ein feines Eis!
Yeah, screw them. Leeches.
Uh, that looks promising! Thank you!