Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • I’ve heard that the DoD uses RHEL pretty extensively. RHEL in the US Military

    That article says that the US military has the largest single install base for RHEL in the world, but that was about 15 years ago, I don’t know if that’s still true.

    Apparently back then the US nuclear sub fleet and its sonar systems also ran on RHEL.

    I suspect lots of military hardware runs some form of *Nix or BSD type system. Many embedded systems run some *Nix type OS, and a huge portion of the developed world’s weaponry is smart, so it it full of low power embedded systems and custom SoCs.

  • Appimage is probably the most similar to a naked .exe in Windows. They are useful for small apps or simple indie games, but I prefer Flatpaks for my everyday big applications.

    Agreed, Snaps are like Flatpaks but worse because locked down back end and Canonical’s sketchy nature. Imagine a really delicious pastry that anybody can make and sell, then imagine the same pastry but only one bakery in the world can make and sell it. Which would you prefer? Lol

  • Essentially yes, if you start using lots if older applications or mixing applications that use many different dependency versions, you will start to use lots of extra disk space because the different apps have to use their own separate dependency trees and so forth.

    This doesn’t mean it will be like 2x-3x the size as traditional packages, but from what I’ve seen, it could definitely be 10-20% larger on disk. Not a huge deal for most people, but if you have limited disk space for one reason or another, it could be a problem.

  • Flatpak is a universal application packaging standard for Linux. It allows devs to create a single application that gets bundled with all necessary dependencies including versioning.

    These apps run in their own semi-isolated “container” which makes immutable distros possible. (Distros like Fedora Silverblue that are effectively impossible to break by installing or removing critical system files.)

    This means that a Linux app doesn’t have to have a .deb version, an .rpm version, or be pre-compiled for any other distros. A user can simply go to Flathub, (the main repository for Flatpak apps), download the flatpak, and install it on their distro of choice.

    It’s quickly becoming the most popular way for users to install apps on Linux because it’s so easy and quick. But there are a few downsides like size on disk, first party verification, per-distro optimizations, and the centralization of application sources. That’s why some users aren’t fully endorsing or embracing how popular they are becoming.

  • Yeah, IT is in a similar boat. Not as bad, but still where I live, Linux environments are super rare. So if you are going into IT, you are going to be working in Windows environments, and most firms use software that isn’t compatible with Linux.

    Stuff like their remote management software, or their inventory management software. Plus, unless you’re the guy in charge of the IT department, almost nobody wants or even knows how to administrate a Linux endpoint.

    So they don’t want one of their sys admins to be running around on a Linux machine that they don’t have as much visibility on or understanding of how it works.

    I’m lucky that the company I work for is small enough that I am the entire IT department, so I can use whatever OS I want. Debian 12 with Plasma, love it.

    But out in the world, you’re going to find a bunch of situations like you are in, where so much of the defaults use Windows and proprietary garbage, you’re stuck running exactly what they are.

    Long term, you could start trying to build your own indie studio that is FOSS-based. Maybe years down the line you can make it on your own. Do that full time and make supplemental income as an outside contractor or something. IDK, that also comes with its own set of issues. It’s a shitty tech corpo dystopia all around us.

  • I thought the video was pretty reasonable. I wasn’t criticizing him with my hot take.

    It will always be a balance of what you’re willing to do for what you believe in, vs pragmatism and comfort.

    Some things are better sacrificed, because they aren’t actually very good to begin with. But other things are better adapted or emulated into a FOSS framework.

    On a more personal note, I was prepared to give up far more than I actually needed to when switching to Linux 100%. Linux has gotten so good in most areas, it’s pretty incredible.

  • Some people will never be willing to move to Linux. Even if Linux was 98% compatible with their needs, they would stay on Windows for that remaining 2%.

    There are folks who would let Windows punch them in the groin or slap them across the face once per month as long as they could play their favorite kernel-level anticheat esport trash.

    There are a few people who make their living using evil software like the Adobe suite, and for them I truly feel sorry that they are trapped in the dystopian hell of modern proprietary software, but we do live in a society I guess.

    The tough truth is, many people don’t really give a shit about privacy, consumer rights, software freedom, or transparency, even if they say they do. They will huff and puff about how terrible Windows has gotten. They will rant and rave about how ridiculous the ads are in their OS or how they think it’s wrong for their OS to spy and track their actions constantly.

    But when the rubber meets the road and they can sacrifice a few things to gain their freedom, they won’t do it. I know, because I have multiple friends and family that have been acting like this for years.

    Whenever I suggest Linux or FOSS alternatives to their proprietary apps, they initially are interested. But of course they will always find the one or two things they like to use/play/have that doesn’t work or is a pain on Linux, and they bail.

    I had one friend who was saying they were “totally serious about switching to Linux soon.” But they bailed when they found out that Valorant doesn’t work on Linux. Do they play Valorant actively? No, they haven’t played it in years, but they, “wanted the possibility to play it just in case they decided to get back into it again.”

    Personally, there isn’t a single game or piece of software I would ever give up Linux for. I just flat out refuse to use Windows or MacOS on any of my personal computers. It’s a pledge I made years ago and I will forever stick to it.

    Hot take: If you claim to be against all the big tech abuses and value software and computing freedom, but a handful of PC games is enough to stop you from leaving an abusive proprietary OS, you weren’t very serious about it to begin with.

  • Lettuce eat lettuce@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMany such cases
    16 days ago

    You’re just wrong on literally every point dude.

    1. Nope, I’ve installed Linux Mint for multiple people, several different apps, never touched the terminal. I even updated the kernel all through the GUI.
    2. Basically the same on all the most popular distros. Searching “startup” or “autostart” in KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, and Gnome DEs all bring up an easy GUI app for getting programs to start automatically.
    3. Same as #1. You don’t need to use the terminal to install most software, especially not anything popular. And guess what, you need the terminal to do hardcore stuff on Windows too. I know because I’ve worked for years in IT and have to use the Windows terminal for all kinds of random stuff, I literally had to use Powershell today.
    4. This happens in Windows too. Just ask me how many times I’ve had to install old .NET frameworks or other random drivers/3rd party software to get some piece of software/hardware to work on Windows. Something that I thought would be a 10 minute install turns into an hour because of random shit not working right.
    5. Bruh, I play Minecraft all the time. Hundreds and hundreds of hours. It’s one of the easiest games to play on Linux. And I play with tons of mods, texture packs, and shaders. I’ve been playing Minecraft on multiple Linux distros for 4 years, it runs great.
    6. All major distros auto-mount external drives. I have a whole bag of thumb drives, external HDDs, and SSDs that I use in my day job. Never had a problem with them not being picked up and mounted by any of the Linux systems I work on.

    I mean, don’t use it I guess, but stop spreading these obviously false claims, man. Have fun getting all your personal data farmed by a multi trillion dollar megacorp and fed into AI engines to churn out infinite heaps of sludge. Oh yeah, and all the endless popup ads in an OS that you already paid for…