• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I have no professional tips at all, but I occasionally play a game with my dogs called “find the thing”.

    I take them into the bedroom and let them each smell the bone/treat or whatever, then I close the door.

    Then I walk a path while rubbing the treat on the ground to make a smell “trail” then hide them in various spots.

    I then open the door and tell them to “go find it!” And observe how they sniff around to see if they can pick up the trail scent. One of them is better at it than the other one, and yeah it’s just a silly game and not any kind of real training exercise but we all seem to enjoy it.

    Good luck with your dog - sorry you’re having to go through this. One of mine is getting up there as well and I know her vision isn’t doing too well either - not to mention the arthritis 😞