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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • One side has stats that have down that Roe V Wade massively reduced crime as less children were born into the system or unwanted. The burden of an unwanted child can ruin both the parents and childs life. We’ve seen how abortion bans can lead to doctors being scared to do anything in some situations causing the mother to die.

    The other side is people saying a fetus has a soul because an old book told them so.

    It’s pretty clear which side should be backed. Not saying either side is perfect, but one side has a lot more supporting evidence than the other.

    Let’s not forget, the pro choice side is just that, you have a choice. No one is forcing anything, the other side is. Again, the choice is clear to me.

    The example of pushing a woman down the stairs is silly. The reason why it’s worse if she’s pregnant is because you took away her choice and opportunity to have that baby, after she is dealing with all that comes with being pregnant. That is not the same as a person who is a month in and doesn’t want it, by her choice.

  • You’re really representing a lot of these with bad faith. It seems like you came into this thread with a view and used anything said to justify that view.

    Your first call out about and ignores the entire point being made and the clear double standard being called out. You seem more willing to play the victim than have an honest conversation on equality.

    Imagine if men behaved this way about women discussing double standards, it wouldn’t make you feel good. So why do it to men?

  • Nah, this is textbook double standards.

    You are part of the problem that is stopping true equality. If men have everywhere to work through issues so you need a special place to do it, how does that end. You forever stay locked in that safe space because men own the public forum? Or do you try to fight for your spot in the public forum, attacking the only place you allowed men to work through issues? Or do you want a place in the public forum and your own space?

    So by your own logic women have their own communities and the general forum is for men, because of this post. So should women be told not to discuss their issues in general forums like Ask Lemmy and stick to their own communities? I mean these are for men right? Seems messed up to me.

    Why not just let everyone have a seat at every table? Be truly open and equal, instead of men deciding what women can have and women deciding what men can have. It’s not a hard concept.

    It’s people like you that make the divide bigger every time you fight for “equality”.

  • Wow, thanks for taking the time and sharing all that!

    The only thing I could think of is The Order and their concept that if you have and others don’t you should be forced to give to them. I think it’s an interesting political view, but I took at as the way the Dream Walker built and consolidated power, not a remark on the real world at all. But I could just be naive about it.

    I would disagree about the second paragraph. I mean one book doesn’t even have any of the main chars in it till the very end. Then you have a lot of content around multiple groups or people they are going after.

    I can %100 understand the issue with the plot armor and ability to handle anything that comes up. Richard is made out to be this mega character that is essentially God, which does make some of the conflict feel weak. I can totally appreciate that.

    Well thanks for typing all that out and talking the time to break down your feelings on it. I’m always curious about how others see things I’ve built an attachment to that can blind you a little sometimes. I still stand by loving them, warts and all, but I’d never cast shade on anyone who doesn’t.

  • Yes, I understand how an occupied enemy force is hard to dislodge. I actually was in the USMC for 8 years and was stuck in 29 Palms with nothing to do it in the middle of the desert but operation Mojave Viper over and over as groups cycled through. War in the middle east was hard because of ROI and a lower tolerance for collateral damage. You remove those and it’s not even a question. Just drop bombs and roll tanks.

    I’ve also seen how we can take over a country or city in a matter of nights. I’ve seen buildings leveled because there was a singular shooter in them. If you roll APCs down a street with an armed patrol squad there isn’t much you can do. Sure you could make IDEs, setup daisy chains and such, that could take out a patrol for sure. But that just gets a bigger, more aggressive response that will not be so easily pushed back.

    And let’s be clear, the middle east has been at war for generations upon generations, it’s part of their life at this point. Bill who hunts deer sometimes is not a battle hardened fighter. Hell, people who sign up for war, get training, then ramped up for deployment still freeze up in combat.

    Also, civil war tactics don’t work anymore, hell,guerilla tactics barley work. We have drones, night vision, thermal, air support, satellite imagery. If the US military did actually attack it’s people, and members of the service actual did comply, it would be an extermination not a war.

    To your point about one person looking out for a FOB. First, I don’t know how one person is covering every possible line of attack and approach vector, but that side. One drone or fly by could destroy that entire rebel FOB in second with not a damn thing you could do, with no warning. What is your defense against fighter jets or a blackhawk? Shoot small arms at it?