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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • What people tend to also forget is that every letter in LGBTQ stand for an entirely different group of people, yet they are threated as one community. Imagine Mechanics and Sales people would be part of the same union. 2 entirely different branches, with entirely different demands except that they all want to get paid on time.

    For most it is just more convenient to bunch everybody who’s apart from the “norm” into a single group and call it a day.

    I’m personally against labels, but if you’re going to give them names, then maybe don’t pile them all together.

    Edit: This is not personally a critique of what you said, it just fits the topic of tour comment.

  • This is coming from somebody with zero medical background.

    I can’t speak for why it is eyes and tears that are affected by sadness (maybe the proximity to the brain). But I assume the connection itself is neurological aided a lot by hormones. It also isn’t static, it can change over time.

    I for example completely lost the ability to cry. No matter how fucked up the situation, how sad, how stressed I am I feel the pressure in my eyes but I can’t cry. Keyword being “lost”, it wasn’t always like that.

    But then there are people that will literally cry at every possible occasion, not even connected to sadness in any way.

  • Alita Battle Angel was such a disappointment. After years of people telling me how good it was I finally caved in and watched it on Netflix. What an absolute statement to mediocrity that movie is.
    Realistically, who was the target audience for this movie?
    The narrative was all over the place. Even Christoph Walzs presence couldn’t save that movie. The most laughable part of movies like that is always people trying to escape the slums and systemic oppression but then the slums look 10 times better then most of our real world suburbs. People wearing quality clothing, kids playing games in the streets, big houses and apartments, advanced technologies and scifi medical care, markets with fresh food etc. and a few criminals roaming the streets at night, boo fucking hoo. Yet the story tries to sell me that this is the worst fate possible and the only way out is up to the riches. Also the main character is a bigger Marry Sue than Rey from Star Wars. I knew how the movie is going to end after the first 5 minutes. The only surprising part is that they are trying to stretch this pile of trash over multiple parts.
    I also don’t understand the praise the animation received. Yes it’s well animated, but this isn’t 2008, where CGI was still in it’s infancy. It not looking like trash, would be at least expected - not something to loose tour marbles over.
    Maybe next time Hollywood picks a Manga to turn into a movie, they should pick something with more substance. Edge of Tomorrow is prove that it can be done.

  • Once had a deep long talk with a guy who gunned down an armed guy breaking into his home. Dude didn’t show any remorse but also didn’t show any pride in it. It was just another thing that happened to him living in a shit neighborhood. He also had to shoot at others breaking in before, but didn’t kill them. I think sometimes people live in a concrete jungle where jungle rules still apply - kill or be killed. Some people deal better with this fact than others but the dude also had major psycho vibes.