All I want is Nextcloud Files and Calendar in one place. If there’s something that can do that more performant and with a similarly nice gui i’d be all over it
All I want is Nextcloud Files and Calendar in one place. If there’s something that can do that more performant and with a similarly nice gui i’d be all over it
At least the last point is something you can do relatively cheap at most larger lakes or coastal cities in a weekend course. Sailing isn’t that hard.
Look up Wilfried Erdmann, he was a famous single sailor who has circled the world a couple times. He has books on the matter where he speaks about the experience as well as the preparation and what kind of yacht he used. Very well written and interesting if you’re into that topic.
It shows that you can do it alone easily enough and that you don’t need some crazy high end yacht.
Since we’re far off from making it on an industrial scale it’s hard to say. Beating livestock farming probably isn’t hard though
Yeah, I’ve used it for years without issues before I moved to using my own hardware
Tja, kein Gastwirt wird Preise senken die Kunden akzeptieren. Wir haben es während der Gaskrise akzeptiert und nun haben wir uns dran gewöhnt. Würden tatsächlich Leute deswegen auf Döner verzichten, wären die Preise schon wieder auf dem Weg nach unten.
That’s one angry looking kitty
Dachte es ging darum einen eigenen Verein zu gründen?
Ja, klingt eher so als würde man denen dann das hosten eines DACH lemmys überlassen. Ne .de Domain wird ein österreichischer Verein wohl auch nicht haben wollen, von daher wird da wohl auch ne neue geben
Same, I can feel the wrinkles crack on the corners of my eye.
Wow, I had no idea. That makes a lot more sense then, thanks for the sources.
You can just spin up the Docker and disable most of the features you don’t need, as they come as addons
There’s nothing inherently safer in Pixels, they are just the only ones that get security updates fast enough for Graphenes taste
Only works on Pixel phones though
Definitely start with “Good Sir”, that’s what I learned from years of reading voLTE requests on xda
Nice, thanks. Should I create a github ticket as well?
Could you maybe add support to MOVE files in the integrated file manager? The context menu only offers copy and paste, no cut and when I drag it between two windows it does a copy as well. I couldn’t find a modifier key to move files either.
Would love to use this for my media server
Why not also remove the password from my wifi while im at it?