• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Coding.

    The other day I needed to set up a node service with an HTML front-end that allows me to upload files from a browser that end up on my machine hosted in a docker container. Something like this would take me the better part of a day to complete. Through a series of prompts I got what I needed deployed in less than an hour.

    Then unit tests. Sometimes all I need is good code coverage and since it’s just tests you can verify the quality of the generated code if it runs and covers the lines you want. I’ve saved a ton of hours of tedious code coverage work this way.

  • Essentially he came in and took over. Now the reason this has been cause for concern is his pedigree which was previously running Discovery where he oversaw its full conversion into a reality TV mill. He merged this new Discovery with Warner and the thing that has most people worried is with this comes HBO which for a long time has been a bastion of the highest quality TV. Renaming the streaming service from HBO Max to Max shows where his intentions are. Maybe you’ll tune into House of Dragons then finish the night with F Boy Island. Maybe tomorrow you just watch F Boy Island and they can stop spending big money on prestige TV. That’s the end game anyway. HBO generally worked because there were people at the top fighting and greenlighting the best stuff. It’s quite likely we’ll be seeing less and less of that in the near future.