The media everywhere knows that showing people who are on an extreme gets more views. So that is what you will see from outside. As for the people you have meet. The chill people don’t travel as much.
One of those sunrise alarm clocks, going to bed more than 8 hours before it goes off, a neti pot or benadryl so I can breath while sleeping. Blackout shades, and an air filter that makes some soft white noise.
Lol. Fiber. Probiotics… modern medicine really is still in the dark ages.
A pile of shit… literally. I have IBS, so there is always more shit just waiting for the wrong time. Aside from that… extra clothes, see above. Lol
I want to die in my sleep like my grandpa, not screaming for my life like his passangers… <joke>
The answer is simple. Propaganda. For probably thousands of years, religions have preached that hard work and sacrifice are virtues. They of course only pay off in the next life.
If you are in the US, and maybe other places, check your local library. Ours has a library of things. It includes tools, board games, musical instruments, electronics, cooking gear, toys and tons of other stuff. Otherwise, the local home depot rents things like chainsaws at a reasonable price.
Truth in advertising laws. Make it illegal to lie, mislead, or deceive in advertising. And I mean criminal, like jail time for the CEO, or they can specify an executive that must sign off on all ads if they like. That person takes the fall. And who decides if an ad breaks the law. A jury, or something more streamlined but still made up of regular Americans who decide.
Or they don’t feel like they have a better option. I have never met anyone who said, I like adds on my streaming service.
Hope the info sec guy got some hazard bonus. Doubt he/she would ask for it though.
I just don’t like soap operas, whatever the form. My kid does though.
I actually have one and tried. But it is too hard to type while walking.
Been going for years. I have exercises I do… but they say it could take more than a year for the soft tissue to correct itself this way.
Yeah, I have the mat. And walking is fine. I can walk pretty far with no issues. Standing still is painful though. And I know it is weak core muscles. But the exercises to strengthen them cause the si joints to hurt 24/7. My pt struggled to find stuff to help. And I do those, but they just don’t seem to be enough. As for working up to longer and longer standing times, I have adhd, and such things are near impossible, I’ve tried. So I need more like physical reminders that can’t be ignored. Like belt… could put spikey stuff on it so when I slide forward I will feel it and be inclined to slide back. That is where I was going with this.
Yes, this. The assumption of certain death outside during threadfall, and the supposed inate fear humans have of Thread just doesn’t work. If only a few Thread get through for the ground crews, you could just run away. It falls slow enough. For books, you can get away with that. But film would need to rework Thread significantly.
Prolly true. Maybe we can get an extended cut for us nerds.
yep. I have a sit/stand desk. My posture is still crap when I stand. And then new things hurt along with the old.
I work from home… what belt… they are lucky I wear pants. :)
Honor Harrington might be good on a big screen in the present political climate. (Female lead plus a cat)
The myth adventures might be right for a different flavor of comedy.
Only problem is my kid sees the light early on and assumes I am already awake. Then he comes and puts a hand on my shoulder while leaning in with the light behind him. Not sure that one will make adulthood. Lol