Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Team Fortress 2

    Cruelty Squad (okay, the game is only a couple years old, but the art style is so intentionally shit that I just can’t see it aging at all)

    Jet Set Radio, Jet Set Radio Future, and (I predict) Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. BRC also is only a couple years old, but it shares the same style as JSR(F), which has aged very well.


    Doom and Doom II (just remember to turn off texture filtering, or set it to nearest neighbor).

    The Sims. No, really, I think The Sims games have all aged very, very well. Some better than others, but I feel like each one of them has a visual style that still works today.

  • I don’t know if fan stuff counts, but Kaze Emanuar went through Super Mario 64’s decompiled code and did a lot of optimization that resulted in it running significantly faster on original hardware. I don’t remember what the performance boost was, but it was significant.

    Edit: oh yeah, I think I remember reading that the Crysis remaster runs a lot better than the original at comparable graphics settings on modern hardware. Iirc it’s because the original game was created when dual-core PCs were still brand new and low-level graphics APIs like Vulkan weren’t even conceived of yet. As such, the game was mainly optimized for single-threaded performance and the CPU was having to do a lot of stuff that the GPU can do now.

  • I love playing with new technologies. I wish graphics card prices stayed down because rt is too heavy nowadays for my first gen RT card. I play newer games with rt off and most setting turned down because of it.

    I wish they stayed down because VR has the potential to bring back crossfire/SLI. Nvidia’s gameworks already has support for using two GPUs to render different eyes and supposedly, when properly implemented, it results in a nearly 2x increase in fps. However, GPUs are way too expensive right now for people to buy two of them, so afaik there aren’t any VR games that support splitting rendering between two GPUs.

    VR games could be a hell of a lot cooler if having 2 GPUs was widely affordable and developers developed for them, but instead it’s being held back by single-gpu performance.