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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • I’ve actually said not much that is directly misogynistic. But if I say “the sexual marketplace has taken a polygynous turn,” that’s deemed misogyny. Good article but that advice has went unheeded especially in the United States. Fact of the matter is that incels are POLITICALLY loathed and a politicized justice department has been set loose on them.

  • The ideology you identify with is associated with a tendency toward terrorism / violent actions. That is what everyone here is trying to warn you about.

    This has been hyper-exaggerated by people who don’t like that perspective itself and have lobbied the government to stigmatize it by overly associating it with terrorism. It needn’t have been. It’s politicized horseshit. How is a therapist going to help me after I say incels.is = dhs? I want to share that with the internet not a therapist.

    I understand, I could perhaps benefit from a therapist with regards to my personal issues but that’s outside that incels.is = DHS.

  • They’ve shutdown all incel spaces across the web and worked with tech platforms like reddit to likewise ban incel spaces. They set up honeypot forums in their place operated by feds so ANY would be incel poster gets scrutinized. When the person ends up in that space and says something a fed doesn’t like, they’re immediately hacked and subject to NSA tools. I became aware of this when, a month or so after posting on incels.is, I started receiving “advice” based on content retrieved from my phone! It goes much further than that – they use metrics to see what threads a reader (not even a user) clicks on and then hack that user. They are often surprised that so many of their readers clicking on violent-endorsing threads by the larping feds end up being women. 😆

    1. I am under intrusive monitoring because I posted on forum incels.is (run by DHS.)
    2. I lived in apartment and feds rented the units next to and above me.
    3. This year they started engaging in sonic harassment (sleep denying irregular sounds) meant to keep me agitated and mentally exhausted, likely with view to mental decomposition so I end up hospitalized. People who get involuntarily hospitalized for mental health are deprived of 2nd amendment rights.

  • The Ohio case was one were feds encouraged that guy up until the point were he was going to do something. In fact, he posted on incels.is and the feds there trump up that one case as a huge victory justifying their work. But they duped him and were egging him on. The California guy didn’t actually do anything. There has been one verifiable incel related mass shooting – Elliot Rodger, and that has been used to tarnish the whole community from a place of distaste. Feminists get to tarnish an emergent group that gives them the jeebies and feds get work to replace the dwindling War on Terror. Indeed, feds control the entirety of the incelosphere now and they self-servingly define it as a place of violence and radicalism. Some soros funded outfit that goes by the name of “Center for Countering Digital Hate” did a report on the incelsophere some months back – but they based their report on incels.is, which is operated by feds. This is straight up lying.