• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I was under the impression that this is a misconception about the songs meaning.

    At the time women would be expected to say no outright and go home. To say they have to leave, instead of having autonomy and being promiscuous.

    So in the song the woman wants to stay but is following the societal expectation to say they need to leave and the man is giving her all the excuses she could use to explain why she didnt leave, so people wouldnt suspect her of staying over to have sex.

    These days that expectation is not there so the song is interpreted in a different way and sounds super rapey.

    To be clear. I am not advocating for this old way of thinking, nor am i saying i know the explanation i have given is true. I am only telling what i have heard and felt like to me that actually makes a lot of sense in the right context.

    Basically, women wanted to be able to have sex with anyone they wanted, but people would look down on them for doing it. So, to avoid being ostracised, they would avoid situations like that.

    But again. I may be wrong. I have just heard this explanation and wanted to share.

  • I have a head voice, but not all the time, I see images, but not all the time, I can hear music in my head, most of the time.

    When I write things down, I often speak the sentence in my head as I write it, but sometimes the words just fall out of me with no voice leading them

    when im planning a food shop, I visualise the shop and walk around it in my head so I put the items I want in the right order on my list. When working out what i need it’s a combination of visualising the fridge/freezer and cupboards and physically looking in them to see what I have and then looking at my meal plan to see what I need. The meal plan i made by just sensing what im craving that week.

    When I learn to play a song, I hear the music in my head and can sound that out to work out chords and melodies.

    When I compose music, I can hear the next chord I want in my head and then have to sound that out on my instrument.

    When I make silly videos to send to my family group chat, I think visually.

    People are just different. If you struggle with that concept, then I feel sorry for you.

    You say it’s for people to feel special, I say it seems to me that it’s more you feeling like you aren’t special because you wish you could think the way other people do.

    In reality, it doesn’t matter how you think. I envy my wife as she is much smarter and more organised than me, but she can’t visualise anything or hear music in her head and thinks more systematically. She is jealous that I can do these things.

    We both agree it’s silly.

  • Hi, i have said this in my own response but i just wanted to say. As someone who has had the fold 3 since launch and used it for the past 3 years. I can assure you, the crease is not an issue. You cant see it when you are using the phone. It doesnt feel uncomfortable when your finger passes over it (if anything its smooth and feels quite nice) and i forget its there 99% of the time. The 1% of the time that i notice it, i dont think “godni wish that wasnt there” i barely even acknowledge it. Because it doesnt matter.

    I appreciate that its a worry when you havent used one. It was for me when i got one. Until i realised it doesnt matter.

    After using the phone for 3 years the crease is the same as its ever been and i would happily provide photo evidence of that if you or anyone else doesnt believe me.

  • Had a fold 3 since launch 3 years ago. It’s the best phone I’ve ever used. Software is brilliant and clearly a focus for samsung. The big inner screen is amazing for work and games as well as browsing. Well worth it.

    The crease is just a non-issue. People see it from an angle and they think it looks bad and that it would bother them, but i assure you, when you are using the phone yourself and its facing you, like all phones that you are currently interacting with are facing you, you cannot see it. After using this phone for 3 years, i can honestly say i forget its even there.

    Anyone complaining about the crease has almost definitely never used one of these phones. I hear the complaint and i can only drawn that conclusion. Its like saying you dont like a certain food that you have never tasted.

    There are downsides to the fold phone that the flips wont have. Like the fold 3 is a bit heavier than most normal phones and it has sometimes been an issue when using my phone lying down somewhere as it can be cumbersome to hold up at arms length.

    Also the strange aspect ratio means that video is too small to play on the outer screen and doesnt fill the inner screen. You get black boxes at the top and bottom, so video is always a little bit smaller than the inner screen. This doesnt affect games, it seems that 99% of games support the aspect ratio and often give you some level of advantage.

    This would not be true on the flip phones as they have a normal screen size when open.

    Incidentally, next week i am buying the fold 6 and locking in for another 3 years on a contact. If that is any endorsement.

    Edit: reading throught the comments here i noticed a consistent pattern.

    Those who have the folding phones cant recommend them enough and say they are the best phones they ever bought.

    Those that dont have one but have a friend that has one are saying dont get one as they look bad.

    (Of course there are some exceptions on both sides but a quick mental tally, and it seems that what im saying is true)

    If you want to weigh in, then maybe own or have owned one before deciding they are good or bad. Your friend might disagree with your concerns about their phone.

  • I can make my right arm vibrate by tensing up the muscles in my forearm. I dont me shake really fast. I mean vibrate.like, fast.

    Outside of beating my brothers on specific mario party mini games that require repeatedly pressing a single button (or other games that have that use mechanic) or unlocking the cheats in bomberman 64 (needed a turbo controller to hit start repeatedly on the main menu) its pretty damn useless.

    There was one Mario Party mini game (i think called domination) where you had to hit A as fast as possible, with each press making a thwomp or “domino” appear in a line. At the end, they all fall down, and you see whose line is the longest.

    Some people couldn’t reach the finish line. Some could just about get past it. Mine just kept going and going.

    Otherwise, totally useless.