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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • So, here is a story I like to share about learning kindness and empathy.

    A little background. I grew up in a poor city right outside Birmingham, Al. All the kids I grew up with including myself had racist, homophobic parents. In return all the kids I grew up with including me were also racist and homophobic. When you grow up where I did with a silent generation dad and greatest generation grandparents from rural Alabama. You aren’t taught “hate”. You’re taught the way it’s always been.

    I dropped out of school in the 9th grade. I got my GED and graduated college, but while I was working on all that I worked at Walmart when I was 16. I dated a girl that worked there and when we broke up I started dating a different girl that worked there a few days later.

    Fast forward a couple of weeks and this loud and flamboyant twink named Joe that was our age tells my ex and current girlfriends that I dated them both at the same time. Then proceeded to drive both of them to my house where both chicks came in my house and yelled at me for a bit. When I walked outside I saw Joe in the driver seat of one of the girls car.

    I figured that they probably met up at Walmart and I was going to beat the shit out of Joe. So, I jumped in my car and raced to Walmart. When they pulled up for Joe to get his car. I was sitting on the trunk of Joe’s car waiting. Fortunately, they left, and what follows is not great, but was necessary for me to learn a lesson.

    After they left I was so angry that I used my key to carve the F slur so big that it took up Joes entire trunk lid. Nothing came of it for a few days. Then my phone rang. I can remember it like yesterday. A grown man asked for my name. I said I was he. He said that his name was Ronnie. (If you’ve read my other stuff this isn’t the same Ronnie that killed people.)

    Anyway, Ronnie explained that he was Joe’s boyfriend. He told me that what I had done didn’t hurt Joe. He explained that he (Ronnie) was going to have to pay to have the trunk fixed. He appealed to my empathy, but he also treated me like a man. Could/should he have called the cops? Absolutely, but instead he decided to approach me like a man and explain the situation.

    After he was done. I told him that I’d have to make payments, but that I’d pay to fix Joes car. Ronnie said that was fine. He invited me over for dinner and said that we’d discuss the terms. I agreed.

    I don’t remember how much he said it would be, but I know that I paid him installments until it was paid for. During that time I got to know Ronnie really well. He had a monster truck and collected muscle cars. He had 2 Shih Tzus. He was much older than Joe and I. His previous partner had been someone important with State Farm insurance, but had died back in the 80s (this was mid 90s) and left Ronnie money and a house.

    All this happened when my dad and I weren’t getting along. I still remember the first time I called Ronnie and asked if I could stay the night. He said yes without hesitation. I got there and he told me the ground rules. He said that I was always allowed at his house, but personal items like toothbrush, razors, and stuff like that were off limits. He said DO NOT MESS WITH THEM.

    I was young not stupid. I had seen the real world. I knew that he was probably HIV positive. It wasn’t long before he and Joe broke up. Ronnie started calling on me. Ronnie lived in the country. I lived between the country and big city. He would call and say hey a couple of my friends are sick and I need to take them some food. Would you ride with me.

    Anyway, Ronnie was the first person that I had actually interacted with where I had been forced to face someone that I had been lead to believe was different to me. Ronnie gave me a safe place to be when I wasn’t getting along with my dad. I can remember my “friends” at the time making fun of me for hanging out with a gay dude. I didn’t care.

    Ronnie taught me more about being a man than my own father did. When he should have just called the cops he took the time to turn hatred into a teachable moment.

    If you’re wondering what happened to Ronnie. I hung out with him fairly regularly until I got on drugs really bad. After my family deserted me. I deserted my friends because I couldn’t live with them hating me for what I had become.

    After I got clean I started trying to pick up where I left off. I called all of the good friends I could think of. So, I called Ronnie. A man answered and I asked if Ronnie was there. He quickly asked who I was, and I explained that I was a friend. He said that he was Ronnie’s brother and Ronnie had passed away a few years earlier due to complications from HIV. He said that he got some kind of dementia.

    We talked about 2 hours. I told him about how Ronnie had taught me about empathy. He said Ronnie had done the same for him. Ronnie was one of the greatest men I’ve ever known.

  • For me personally, I got into a lot of drawn out arguments on Reddit. I said some LGBTQ performers doing a performance that involved a cross was “child friendly” and for 8 months I still got messages from pearl clutching conservatives calling me a pe**. Here, I try to limit my hot takes to 24 hours of engagement, and I try to be more respectful.

    Also, I’d like to think that there is a better class of people here than on Reddit. So, I act accordingly. I like my new home. It’s not totally full of assholes yet, and I don’t fancy creating any.

  • So I’m walking around a bazaar in Nepal. I got kids following me everywhere begging for money. Out of nowhere a Nepalese guy wearing a ripped up shirt comes running up and starts slapping kids and yelling at them. The kids run off and the man starts cozying up to me.

    He starts asking where I’m from and follows me around for a while. Finally he cuts the foreplay and asks if I “smoke hashish”. I say yeah and we talk about that a while. He asked where I was staying and I told him Hotel Yak and Yetti. He says he’ll come by and smoke with me.

    So, at the time he was supposed to show up I’m in the lobby when a hotel worker comes over and says that someone is looking for me. I walk outside and the dude is now wearing a tailored suit and is motioning for me to get in a cab.

    Alarm bells go off, but fuck it you only live once. I get in the back of the cab with the guy. He has a pack of cigarettes where he emptied out the tobacco and filled them with weed. He says his cousin is the driver. We ride and smoke. I got so fucken high.

    Then he’s like hey buy the rest of this pack from me. I was like dude I don’t have much money. He’s asks if I have some clothes that don’t fit. I’m 6’2” this guy was like 5’. But I’m like yeah and gave him 2 pairs of jeans.

    Then I had to flush the weed because I was getting on a plane to Tibet the next morning. Staying in a Chinese prison wasn’t on my itinerary. So I had to leave the weed behind.

  • I personally I’m looking forward to the inevitable nuclear holocaust that’s coming. I’m ready for the big finale. I’m hoping that Putin does something really stupid. We put boots on the ground in Russia. Putin sees no way out and slings nukes in every direction. Then we follow suit. I live right in the heart of the only area in the world that has all 3 ingredients to make steel in a 10 mile radius. So, I’ll be one of the first to go. It will be GLORIOUS!

    My friends say I have an apocalypse boner.

  • You are unfortunately probably correct. I find myself having trouble finding “happiness” in life. So, that makes me seek out pleasure. Which is just a fancy way of saying I’m a hobby whore.

    I got into lock picking for a while. It really does feel good to hear and feel those tumblers click. I went about as far as I could without devoting serious time and effort for minimal gains.

    Now, I’m fishing. I don’t live in Mississippi, but I do live in Alabama. It’s pretty warm here year round. I try to go fishing at least twice a week. I don’t sport fish. Which means that if a catch a fish too big or too small I let it go. Otherwise I keep and eat it.

    Plus it has the added benefit of getting my fat ass out the house. There are several water ways close by. I just put all my stuff in a backpack. Grab a machete. Hike through the woods to a spot where no one can find me, and fish. It’s awesome.

  • Funny story about me and weed, or would it be weed and I? Anyway, I started smoking weed when I was 12. Since then I have done every drug that has been available to me. I enjoyed most of them. The only one that got me was heroin.

    So, after over a decade of heroin abuse. Then around 5 years of methadone. I finally got off the methadone, and I find that I can’t get fucked ip any more. But not because of what your probably thinking.

    I got off opiates. I smoked some weed. It makes me paranoid. I drank some beer I kinda got drunk, but mainly it just made me feel like shit. I hate stimulants. So things like coke or crack or meth are a no go. I even grew my own mushrooms, but they gave me a headache. I’m not going back to opiates.

    I’m involuntarily sober and it fucken sucks. I’m an insob. Hehehe

  • I would love to, but unfortunately I am an old millennial that’s barely making it from paycheck to paycheck. I consider myself lucky to have a roof and full belly most of the time. The closest I’ll ever come to making that trip. Is the fishing kayak I plan on buying with income tax money this year.

    Truthfully, the reason I posted this is because my partner and I were talking about a hypothetical trip and the logistics involved. These questions were the main points of contention. They thought that you’d have to tell the US government when/where you were going and coming back. File a bunch of paperwork with both governments. Definitely have your ship boarded and searched. Stuff like that.

    I figured it would be just go down there, and come back. If a US coast guard ship saw you they might stop and search you. Otherwise no muss no fuss.

    But, as is usually the case. Neither of us were exactly right, and the truth lies somewhere in between.