Rexxitor. Biology nerd. Roguelites, indie games, and TRPGs. Drowning in unused yarn, unread books, and mandatory cat hair.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s really a mix of both. More heavily the way the site has been for years because people love drama more than anything else. If you want the sweet serotonin of karma, you’ve gotta be simultaneously the funniest, meanest, and most jaded person in the room, and everyone is jockeying for that position.

    It just breeds assholes by design. I’ve noticed my own behavior has changed, too, since leaving that place, although partially that’s because I just didn’t want to be like that anymore.

    But it really has been noticeably affected since the protests. I was originally trying to stay for one single sub I was in, because they were the kindest, calmest community I’d met since back when forums were a thing.

    Just the best group, for reasons none of us really understood and some of us kept trying to find psychological commonalities to explain. Truly 98% of them were people I’d chill with irl and I still know a few on discord. And also here. If you’re reading this, hello!

    But the migration away was enough to completely alter the atmosphere imo. A lot of the more conscientious users left for other pastures, leaving behind those that were more neutral or even openly hostile about the protests.

    There began to be fights and insults thrown where before this, any aggression had been unusual. The posts took a turn that reflected that feeling and I really stopped bothering with the place after a few months. I’m still a bit sad about it and there are things that I miss, but there just wasn’t enough to hold me anymore. It seemed to increasingly echo every other part of the site.

    For the moment, this place is quieter but better. We still get dumb shit every now and then, but it’s not to the same degree and hopefully never will be. As above, I blame the demographic. We’ve grouped all the people with stubborn morals into a little room and it turns out they have things in common. I do miss a couple people I used to see everywhere all the time when kbin first ramped up, but we run in different circles and they’ve gotten lost in the crowd.

    And yes, btw, I am also going to name you one of my favorite users to see around. You seem as kind as you are prolific.

  • Average citizens are less culpable than government officials are, but we are all culpable for it to a degree.

    There is a degree at which idealistic humanitarianism is pushed to such an extreme that it swings all the way back around into the concept of original sin. I know, because it’s where I’ve sat for years and I had to sit down about it when someone pointed out I’m basically so atheist I’ve gone catholic.

    Guilt is indeed a matter of calibration. This is correct. But at a certain point of granularity, it becomes a pointless statement.

    Anyone insisting on wearing clothing or utilizing objects they didn’t make by their own hand is a capitalistic slaver. You and I both own slaves right now.

    I could disappear into the hills and become a vegan goatherd, and it’s probably the closest I could get to neutral. But by the mere act of minimizing my own harm, I’m also shutting my ears to the plight of all others, which is an implicit endorsement through inaction.

    If I choose action and swing the tides over to Gaza, they still have their own weaponry. If bringing my corrupt genocidal government to its knees, I’ve created a power vacuum that harms countless and will most certainly kill. Doing nothing or something both make me a murderer.

    Even in donating to a charity, you’re deliberately choosing to ignore three others just as worthy. When everyone answers to everything simply by chancing to be born, this kind of thinking becomes at best a semi-interesting joke and at worst actually psychologically destructive.

    What am I meant to do, to stop personally committing at least 4 types of concurrent genocide across the globe? Stop paying taxes towards the military? At least my below-the-poverty-line ass is already there.

    Calling my representatives won’t do much with the US so heavily invested in the area, but I suppose if I’m culpable for mass murder either way, I might as well go to prison for it.

  • Ok, well, am I supposed to hate cupcakes now? Had I seen this in a friend’s photo, I would have asked where they got it. Had I seen it on a menu, you bet my fat ass is ordering this shit. I don’t often (or ever, really) use the word “decadent” to describe anything, but a hot fudge milkshake served in what appears to be a large mason jar, topped with cookies and garnished by an entire frosted cupcake is the most godlessly american food I will see for a good while and just looking at it makes me patriotic. I am going to eat this, given the opportunity. Or at least try to, so I can regret it.

    Since I figure I might as well kill two birds rather than send two notifications to the same person, your other comment here about the bot votes – Kbin allows users to easily look through the votes on any post, and I have more than sufficient spite to sit and do that. Survey says out of 115 upvotes, 14 accounts were otherwise utterly inactive.

    12% is not quite enough to make me cry fake. Not on a lesser-known platform with quite more than its share of self-admitted non-contributors, from an account that would be empty because it’s new, on the basis of a photo I myself would have taken.

    Average for a popular post seems to hang around 60-140 these days and if this were being botted to the top (not a thing that can happen on kbin, at least, which has no algorithm), I feel personally like it would have been way more popular. Like they would have fucked up and sent it to the high 300s because y’all have several thousands of bots lying in wait and they’re more used to causing reddit numbers.

  • Lol, nope. I’d only stayed at all for the single kebble sub I was in, but the protests either changed the vibe through loss of all the empathetic users or it changed my outlook in general.

    I hung on for a couple more weeks, but what with this place and being distracted with other hobbies, most of it was me asking myself how sad I would really be every week. Finally gave it up two weeks ago. Beyond being given the unavoidable google results, haven’t noticed.

  • Christmas carols. Being forced to come back to a retail job over the Christmas rush a little over a week after my brother was found dead on the floor outside my bedroom :)

    The boss there had a very personal bone to pick with me, made it clear she didn’t even have to give me any bereavement leave since I was part time, and when a customer went on a Mach 4 tirade because I wasn’t smiling hard enough (not kidding), she backed them up and threatened to fire me in front of everyone.

    12hrs+ of this every day. I preferred working by myself in back because people would leave me the fuck alone to do my job, but it turns out it was also useful for intermittent off-camera crying!

    To this day, 13 years later, I can still tell you the exact playlist that was on the radio. That was when The Fray’s How to Save a Life was still big and I used to really like that song, but I can avoid it now a lot easier than I can avoid “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.”

    It got me forcibly stopped by the police once, when I couldn’t take it anymore, ran out of the store, and the owner assumed I stole something. I really just don’t leave the house after October.