• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Thanks for this. I guess I should have expected that answer. Bluetooth in general already tests my patience, so I’m not sure a new project revolving around things that already piss me off would be a smart move for my already rising blood pressure.

    I’ll stay tuned to that protocol though, as it could probably help me in some other less complicated projects I’d like to tackle.

  • I’ve never heard of someone doing something like this before, but it sounds like it could have some pretty cool downstream applications (thinking Bluetooth speakers)

    With your setup would it be possible to pair your headphones to your phone (iPhone in my case) and be able to pass audio from different computers to a central one that my phone could then relay to my headphones?

    I often walk around my house/yard while listening to something playing on my laptop/desktop. And if I get too far from the source, it breaks the Bluetooth connection. So I usually end up having to drag my laptop around the yard with me. A much nicer solution would be to have my phone on my person, and use the wifi to keep connected to my “audio source” without needing proximity to the actual pc playing the sound.

  • Lots of good advice in here, so I won’t repeat most of it.

    One thing that I didn’t see anyone cover is how to tell a culture is “healthy”. My recommendation for this is to use a container that you can add graduation marks to. Put some lines on it to indicate volume. Then when you feed your culture, keep track of what volume you have in flower/water. Then watch the starter volume over time. People often say: feed every x_time. In my experience it’s far more important to time the feedings based on the activity. Once you do this for a short while in your specific environment, you will get a feel for how often you need to feed. My house “room temp” varies quite wildly across my seasons. So I have to feed more in the summertime, and less in the winter.

    Your mileage may vary.

  • After some serious googling, it looks like gestures is a feature that really only exists in the “luxury” DEs. There is something called Touchegg and Touche that can add them to others, but I’m not far along enough to know if it will do what I want it to.

    I just tried debian with Xfce, and it’s pretty fast, but I REALLY love using gestures! It makes my tiny screen feel way bigger.