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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • All of these comments are well intentioned but of the big picture: land and weather.
    Where’s the safest place to live and how is the weather doing at that time. Based on it one can potentially align survival to meet these places and protect us from severe weather.

    Then we can ask him to go back and find a list of lottery combinations and dates to cash in real dollars for real, no investment and zero ties other than bankrupting red states.

    Why red states? Because fuck them idiocy of saying a bunch of things are socialism when they’re not. Also because gambling when you always win is not a business for the state.

    In years to come probably we could get an idea of the biggest changes in societal behaviors and cash into that so we effectively influence their future for better. Remember they’re also a person who needs access to their better life and we can help them achieve it.

  • Cold dark room to Lower your temperature and block visual stimuli, eye covers work wonders where not possible, also help once you’re used to do naps on hard workout days.

    Melatonin on days I stay half awake for over 30 mins after lights off, usually a small biye off a 10 mg helps conciliate sleep.

    Happy toughts, no crazy killing TV series reading drama or action stuff sets you up for decent natural occurring dreams.

    Eat at least 2 hrs before going to bed so I’m not having hard digestion competing with brain cycles, light dinners and green veggies help get you all the magnesium to rest well.

    Ultimately we’re routine animals, sleep in my own bed, at the same time is the basic. Do it and force you to get to sleep on time and your body will pay you back with excellent recovery and a sharp mind.

    Even with all of this I’m thinking to start trying relaxation mushrooms to Kickstart the cycle.

    Sweet dreams!