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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • You bring up a valid point. There are many facets of life and a left/right divide, and some of them did shift left.

    But compared to the 50s (which is when many right wingers idolize), particularly starting with Reagan, we’ve seen:

    1. Push for theocracy

    2. The war on drugs

    3. Less “society” and more individualism. This is especially true regarding regulation of harmful activities for profit, such as corporate pollution

    4. Reduced enforcement of those laws that we do have, as long as it’s a corporate entity and/or for profit

    5. Massive consolidation of all industries. Competition is now mostly an illusion.

    6. Strong push against workers’ rights. Reduction in union protections, minimum wage laws, OSHA powers, etc

    7. Active, planned takeover of media. This was started by (IIRC) Roger Ailes that if the right controlled the media, Nixon would not have been impeached. He went on to found Fox News with that philosophy, and proved it correct with Trump. See also: Sinclair

    8. While this mostly happened at a state/local level, it has been nationwide. Government was intentionally ruined as an effective organization, and now provides way fewer/worse services

    These are just a few ways that the country has shifted right, but they are so impactful to the average person’s daily life.

  • Their claim is that the country has been ruined by the left, and they want to restore it to its former glory. It requires ignoring the fact that the country has taken a hard right shift since the time they are idealizing.

    As for the cognitive dissonance, Stephen Colbert (during The Colbert Report) played around with this self-contradiction. His book is titled “America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren’t”

    Edit: autocorrect

  • TC’s video is specifically about North America, particularly the US. Here, we currently have 3 (well, 3.5) connectors. They are Chademo, j1772/CCS, and Tesla.

    Chademo is already dead on new cars, and was never very widely adopted. Tesla is of course the connector used on most Teslas. J1772 (Level 1/2 AC) and CCS (Level 3 DC Fast) charging connectors are used on everything else. J1772 is electrically compatible with level 1/2 Tesla, requiring only dumb/passive adapters. CCS and Tesla supercharger is more difficult. This is the standard for almost all new EVs that aren’t Tesla.

    BUT, there been a more recent development! The Tesla connector has been standardized as the North American Charging Standard (NACS). Most major manufacturers have already signed on.

    Which means aside from a transition period with adapters, the future here is a clear standardization on NACS.

    ETA: He also has a later video where he covers why that ends up being a good thing.

  • Then why do you need to tolerate it better?

    There’s something missing in this ask. If you don’t handle a food very well, you simply avoid/reduce it. Whether it’s caffeine, an allergy, or whatever.

    Why do you need to change your body’s reaction? Why not just switch to decaf or other drinks?

  • Depending on where you live, you have a few possibilities. First, I’m assuming that you do not have an HOA. The premise of an HOA is that they can enforce certain restrictions, even if the law cannot/will not. I’m also writing this with the assumption that you are in the US.

    If they are breaking the law, you may need to find ways to encourage the local authorities to take action. Generally, this involves doing the cops’ jobs for them. The company CompuTrace, makers of LoJack for laptops, has been criticized for selling (at a high price) software that does very basic tasks that anyone can do to collect evidence on the thieves. But what they really sell is that they can use that evidence to spur the police into action, since it’s an easy win. You’ll probably need to talk to an attorney, or at least the prosecutor’s office (not the police) to find out what they need.

    Also, be sure that you have contacted all of the relevant agencies. The burn pit may need to be addressed by the fire department (especially in times of wildfire risk), or an environmental agency. They sound like irresponsible pet owners, which might be of interest to the humane society or animal control.

    If they haven’t broken any laws that you know of, you still might be able to sue them. You have no say in how they choose to live their lives, but you can get an injunction on how it impacts you and your property. The dog bites, specifically, are likely actionable. Loud noises probably are not.

    In any event, talk to an attorney. I’m not even sure what type you would need, but the bar association can probably help.

  • Your description isn’t very clear on what exactly you have, or what you need.

    It sounds like you have wired NICs in both server and laptop, which will be physically close to each other, but your only connection to the Internet will be WiFi that you don’t control. How accurate is that?

    Next question is how do you want them to connect to each other? You can do a P2P wired connection, which is more complicated but fully isolates your traffic. It also means that, unless each device has a separate connection and an appropriate routing config, it won’t be online to the Internet (unless you set up some form of connection sharing). You can also connect them to a router that has no Internet. Simpler than the above, but the same limitations.

    You could easily and cheaply get a USB Wi-Fi NIC. The major downside is that all traffic will be going across the wireless connection, both ways. This makes it slow and unreliable.

    You can also connect them to a modified router configured as a wireless bridge. DD-WRT and others can be configured in a different way than usual. The wireless router will provide wired LAN ports to your local network, but then use the wireless connection to connect to an upstream WiFi.

    None of this has anything to do with Linux, BTW. Once you choose a path, you should be able to implement it in whatever OS (or multiple OSes) you would like. None of it is new or special. You might get more options if you post in the Homelab, Data Hoarder, or Self Hosted communities.