maybe level 1 is on a grill with gas. another level is a smoker, or wood. another is making your own bbq sauce. another is stuffing a chili pepper with cheese and wrapping it in bacon and painting that with maple syrup.
maybe level 1 is on a grill with gas. another level is a smoker, or wood. another is making your own bbq sauce. another is stuffing a chili pepper with cheese and wrapping it in bacon and painting that with maple syrup.
i’d really consider just taking a phone instead, if possible.
cut out 90% of your carbs and you’ll drop major weight and feel so much better within a month.
to be morbidly obese at 72 doesnt typically end well.
thought it was JC Benjamin
is it that you couldn’t remember to? or you knew but didn’t bother anyway?
check your national supermarkets they often are hiding this dirt cheap
try making pop-up books
kinda looks ai generated to me, but why bother?
looks like a b&w grainy picture thats been colorized with watercolor. supposed to be dreamy/romanticized
if they think they are funny then get them a rubber chicken. if they are stinky get them perfume.
locked in the back of a uhaul, using a loaf of bread as a pillow. when the sun rose the tiny airhole in the wall became a camera obscura and i watched the sunrise uprise down while waiting for someone to unlock the truck.
why not just replace the battery?
Master and Commander should be several movies and an MMO game.
knowing Sega it would be a POV Sonic game that makes everyone throw up rings.
for me, i’d put super mario galaxy up there too. but really tetris will be around for centuries.
i still dont know the birds and the bees metaphor.
check out the brainwash museum in los angeles
DMT + skydiving from the edge of the atmosphere
FEMA has plans to utilize schools as mass holding pens for something like 5 million people if necessary, so its like a dual use thing.