Tortilla chips, Haribo gummy bears, ice cream and TJ’s peanut butter pretzels are all staple junk food that I usually restock before I run out.
Tortilla chips, Haribo gummy bears, ice cream and TJ’s peanut butter pretzels are all staple junk food that I usually restock before I run out.
I’ve never had a dog that reacted to music at all.
Sometimes day-ta, but more often da-tuh, with the first a being pronounced like acrobat, the second as a schwa.
Straight-line distance to Golden Gate Bridge: 11.6km
For me, it’s primarily the confidence boost that’s attractive.
She’s very good with makeup, and doesn’t overuse it. Who am I to say if she wants a little more jaw angle, or eyelash definition.
That’s sort of the point of the stuff. If you use it right, it works.
I’m happy either way. I think the key is that it has to be done with enough subtly that you don’t realize it’s there.
I had never heard that before. I might have to take a drive up north next year.
Travel on the cheap while you’re still willing to put up with it.
Seriously. Save up a couple thousand dollars. Go see stuff.
Make sure you have enough in your emergency fund to get home if you screw it up.
This has been explained elsewhere.
Not if you value women participating in sports.
You want Trader Joe’s. That stuff is so hard that I often use a hot scoop to get it out. I’m OK with a slightly softer texture. Tillamook is my go-to brand. I’ve never found it to be absurdly soft, but it is easier to scoop than a Häagen-Dazs or TJ’s.
The classic is anything that separates you from the ground.
I’d add anything related to plumbing, electricity and roofing.
I came very close to solving the aging problem as you described. Ended up having to make huge changes in my thirties to avoid late admission to the 27 Club. Very happy I burned out of the scenes when I did.
Similar “dream” although, for me it was more just something I fell into for half a decade after highschool. I can’t imagine trying to keep up these days. I still know old producers and DJs. It’s not a stable way to age.
Basically, yes. Started out that way, anyway.
I also work early, and a straight eight, so it just works better not to eat until I get home.
I only eat breakfast and lunch on weekends, so, normal.
Toe-to-heel second-degree burns on both feet.
I was 10, and stood up in sand that had been heated by a portable barbecue. The irony is, one of the adults had moved the grill so nobody would step in the coals. It had sunk its little wire legs and had been sitting directly on the sand for a couple of hours.
I stood up, screamed and ran for the ocean. About halfway there, the blisters puffed up and I had to crawl until someone figured out what was happening and hauled me into the water.
Mine are side-by-side, as another commenter mentioned, so yeah. That would be really weird.
I would notice if my washer and dryer got their doors reversed. I never considered it before (first time buying new appliances) but you choose the orientation based on where the walls are.
I imagine with a refrigerator, the same is true. Based on the kitchen layout, one orientation would be vastly more convenient than the other.
I will only ever activate Gemini by mistake.
Same I’d do if he loses. Just with a heavier heart.