• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I hear you. When I first joined .ml, they were pressing for people NOT to join it. To create their own instances so that .ml didn’t become a central entity, and get overwhelmed with users. The latter did occur during the reddit exodus.

    I also agree that they can curate and manipulate the instance to their ideals, which will limit casual users and their reach.

    I don’t feel like I’m being secluded, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. I have seen hate for .ml users and hexbear users, and I really don’t get it. The fediverse shouldn’t be segregating users based on what instance they’re in. That’s like saying all US citizens are awful because they live there.

  • The views of .ml mods have not affected me. I don’t really check my subscription feed, only /all or /top->day, therefor im still exposed to all those other communities.

    The only instances that I’ve noticed are missing are porn related, and as an asexual, I don’t have an interest in them. If I did, I could just visit a different site, like pornhub or w/e

    Not all .ml users are tankies, or communist, or foss enthusiasts. I’m just a guy who likes memes and tech

  • I have applied for the income based payments, but I also have 2 other loans that were deemed “personal loans” which makes up the other half of all my loans.

    I’m at over $100,000 USD in debt. If I don’t pay it, they’re going to come after my family members who cosigned, and they can’t afford to pay it either, so we’re all fucked if I don’t make payments.

    BTW I was late on 1 payment and they slapped me with an additional $70 on my regular payment of $25. This is why I’ve thought about ending it. It won’t be my problem anymore and I won’t have to consider the consequences.

    I’ll just be gone forever. But I also don’t want to do that to my family if I can help it.

  • Debt to family members. If I pay them off, I’ll have a reason to keep living. If i decide to run or kill myself, then I’ll just be “a coward” and “selfish”.

    But I’ve had bad luck my whole life. I hope I’ll be able to pay them off one day, but the idea of suicide has been crossing my mind daily. I’ve been unemployed since covid except for 1 job which lasted a month, and another job this December which may only last a month.

    I am out of money. I just graduated university with a Bachelors Degree, and unlike most of my colleagues, I’ve been unable to get a job in the industry.

    My school loans are coming to collect in January. My whole family is poor. I’m the realistic example of a poor person graduating with a degree. I’m stuck poor, and I will probably die poor.