PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]

Anarchist, autistic, engineer, and Certified Professional Life-Regretter. I mosty comment bricks of text with footnotes, so don’t be alarmed if you get one.

You posted something really worrying, are you okay?

No, but I’m not at risk of self-harm. I’m just waiting on the good times now.

Alt account of Also if you’re reading this, it means that you can totally get around the limitations for display names and bio length by editing the JSON of your exported profile directly. Lol.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Back on R*ddit, I actually managed to connect with a few R*dditors (under a different username tho) through the /r/BedroomBands sub. Looks like it’s still active. As far as I’m aware, we don’t have anything like that on Lemmy yet.

    From my experience in music, drummers are always in demand, especially if you can record your kit, even badly; real kit with sample replacement always beats an electric kit, which itself beats programmed drums. (And programming drums from scratch is so boring, speaking from experience.) So I think you’ll find people very quickly if you mention it.

    As far as my music chops go, I play guitar and bass, mainly metal, but I’m really more of a producer. Unfortunately, I had to stop taking clients from R*ddit because I had to focus on school. Now I’m living with my grandmother and parents so I can’t really do music stuff without headphones, so I’m kinda out of commission for a while.

    ps - I’m pretty socially anxious and autistic, so making friends takes me extra effort and time.

    Me too. It took me months to build up the courage to make my first post. But it was one of the best things I ever did, and I miss that part of my life dearly.

  • It can use ChatGPT I believe, or you could use a local GPT or several other LLM architectures.

    GPTs are trained by “trying to fill in the next word”, or more simply could be described as a “spicy autocomplete”, whereas BERTs try to “fill in the blanks”. So it might be worth looking into other LLM architectures if you’re not in the market for an autocomplete.

    Personally, I’m going to look into this. Also it would furnish a good excuse to learn about Docker and how SearXNG works.

  • LLMs are not necessarily evil. This project seems to be free and open source, and it allows you to run everything locally. Obviously this doesn’t solve everything (e.g., the environmental impact of training, systemic bias learned from datasets, usually the weights themselves are derived from questionably collected datasets), but it seems like it’s worth keeping an eye on.

    Google using ai, everyone hates it

    Because Google has a long history of doing the worst shit imaginable with technology immediately. Google (and other corporations) must be viewed with extra suspicion compared to any other group or individual because they are known to be the worst and most likely people to abuse technology.

    Literally if Google does literally anything, it sucks by default and it’s going to take a lot more proof to convince me otherwise for a given Google product. Same goes for Meta, Apple, and any other corporations.

  • The context is a group project you have to do for school?

    Yeah, grad school. I was expecting four years of college to filter out unserious students.

    The reason I am checking is that these often turn into one person desperately trying to get the others to do something and ending up doing it all themselves.

    I genuinely hope they just ask me to do the whole thing, because I can do the whole thing myself. I brought them on because I need to learn to work with people. Naturally, I would always work alone, but I’ve been burned a few times trying to take on group projects solo and burning myself out, so I brought on some people to split the work.

    What is it you’re trying to get them to do? Why do they need to read the stuff you’re sending them?

    I don’t want to give out too many details in case they show up here, but I am trying to get them to write basic implementations of a few key features. They need to understand how the microprocessor actually communicates with the peripherals so they can configure it (and the peripherals) correctly. This topic is exactly what the course is about.

    No one reads this stuff unless they absolutely have to. What is the purpose of asking them to read it?

    It’s a coding-intensive project where we need to communicate with a few peripherals without locking up the rest of the system. There’s no way to just “figure out” this stuff. You either read the code, or you read the docs, or you flounder.

  • I have a coworker who’s very likely autistic and his type of working is, writing down everything. also lacks a filter of what information is important and which isn’t.

    This is figuratively me, because yeah I’m autistic and I personally have a dogshit memory. To that end, I’ve not shown them like 90% of my notes.

    This might be useful if you have a super complex project and important scientific workflows where you’re highly urged to not do mistakes, but otherwise it’s way too much.

    See that’s the thing though, we really are working on a super complex project where we really can’t afford to make mistakes.

    Have you tried to be brief?

    Yeah I have. I guess not brief enough.

    Maybe throw the text into chatGPT and compare a condensed result with your own?

    I’ll give that a shot!

    Also btw, if you’re really autistic, then your brain literally works different, compared to how most other people process information and sensory impressions.

    Yes I am actually autistic, and I’m aware my brain works different. That’s why I decided to get other people’s perspectives on the matter.