That’s just about every waking moment. Why do you do this and why do they think you are trying to kill them?
I’ve been wondering this since Trump’s policies started fucking with the country.
Hierarchical location data for a given place to verify location records in genealogy
It’s exhausting to have to teach people who don’t want to listen.
Awareness. Things used to be much worse. Lack of medical knowledge, sanitation, food safety, early warning of natural disasters, and rights.
Reminds me of Beethoven writing Für Elise for sometime he loved, and when he was rejected, the music was finished in such a way that she could not play it.
Beth Smith, is that you?
Integrity, autonomy, and the scientific method
True Detective, it has amazing composite video effects
For starters, I’m 20 hours late for this post. It’s the two year anniversary of my mother dying of cancer. My brother died of cancer in August. My wife almost died this month. I can’t sleep. I have too much anxiety. I don’t have any face to face friends and I feel too burned out for anyone to want to be my friend.
I think it’s executive dysfunction. So, no
I never listen to a whole song. I’ll usually get about half way through before going to the next track.
I’ve been saying this for years