That is a great idea 😄
That is a great idea 😄
Linux is what keeps my Macs alive 🤭
But this is good thinking
Think like jqubed
Donate in your future
See far
I see, you need to update those, at least kernel 6.1 and I think nvidia is 570 by now
Seeing your kernel, I guess you are in a debian based (apt is used) system, I am not familiar with this package manager, but google how to find installed packages using apt, there you should find it.
2080 works pretty good on wayland on an up to date Linux machine
Why uninstall? You can literally choose what to use at login prompt
If you have setup a SWAP partition and hibernate, you can literally be faster with booting until continuing your work than wait until it finally wakes up from sleep properly 🤭
Don’t know why the screen is dark so long at wakeup, the mouse is rendering, somehow, in this state
Guess that is one thing we can blame on nvidia drivers 🤔
For those, only nouveau is feasible, since nvidia isn’t updating their drivers for newer kernels anymore.
Nouveau did much progress on those cards in the last years
On which kernel version and which driver and which vulkan package?
I see, yea those cards are extremely bad supported by nvidia and are only usable with nouveau in my opinion. But nouveau got pretty good, and was the first GPU I owned that worked with wayland well (have an old MacBook for funnsys running arch with a nvidia at about that age)
But the “newer” cards (like rtx stuff) are working very good with wayland now in my experience (rtx 980 in my Desktop)
But in kernel is still way better, 😌 nvidia driver updates always take so long to install
I think, that it is good having high end offerings for “Linux first PCs” and agree that there is a lack of market for midrange “Linux first PCs”
A sub-brand offering good quality hardware in cheap case / outdated HW in good case would be nice. So they could keep their high end branding intact, but still profit from people with low budget
(For low end, there is raspberry pi and gang)
Time to create a startup 😉 i think, you with your knowledge would be entitled.
Not just some…
They should just buy a PC build for linux with it preinstalled
Like, tuxedo, system67(or whatever number they have) or I think framework is available like that as well.
What does not work for you? And which nvidia GPU?
Latest kernel, wayland, NVIDIA dGPU greater than RTX 900, latest proprietary NVIDIA driver and correct vulkan packages for said driver:
Don’t see any issues, really
What does not work?
Maybe some install steam and choose wrong vulkan dependency 🤔
Or have vulkan dependency for nouveau installed prior to switching to nvidia drivers
I just wonder why pacman not automatically chooses the correct dependency 😅 but I am sure there is a reason
As if anyone likes to go to an ancient kernel on free will after living on snapshots of mainline for some time…
Can you handle shorts well? I am not (hate them) and I am from 97, like feeling pretty old
🤣this tiktok shit is crazy
No separate home needed, just save important files in your nextcloud server
I just update, never had an issue.
Just read the output of yay/pacman and you’ll be fine.
I had way more struggle and frustration using mint/ubuntu than arch/endevourOS/openSuse TW
Using old kernel and mix of flatpak/repo/snap etc. Is just unpredictable, what happens and why. At least for me.
I love, how in arch anything is verbose! Main reason I love linux and Arch especially.
New to arch and new to Linux:
Install a yogurt, or yet another one!